Chapter Twenty-four

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It's been quiet, too quiet. After Edan's mom funeral, everything has been silent, but it wasn't peaceful. I slept with one eye open at all time and listened. Because whatever he's planning, it's going to be big, and it's not going to be a straightforward attack on the pack. 

Eric, after many weeks of persuading, has agreed to fill me in on anything pack related if I go on a date with him every other week. A small price to pay for knowledge. Or lack of knowledge, there has been nothing. Not even the packs around the world are reporting attacks. Rogues don't stop attacking packs. 

And the thought of Victor planing something scares me. So, I sit looking outside and thinking. And I've somehow blocked the howling out. And he's noticed, but he hasn't stopped. Until tonight. Not a single sound can be heard, and it gave me time for me to think properly. But, he is stubborn so he's decided that throwing pebbles at my window would get me to come to him.

And I caved like all the other times and opened my window. And I saw him, in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. 

"What do you want," I hissed.

"Repuzenal, Repuzenal let down your hair," he said. 

"I'm sorry, but if you have nothing to say, then I'm going to go," I said.

"The full moon is coming up," he announced.

"Yes it is why is it so important," it came out harsher than I intended but I was tired and most likely go to bed after this. 

"That's the night where all the wolfs in the pack shift," he explained. "My wolf, he wants to meet you."


"I figured you say that," he smirked. "Either way, he will properly meet you. He's stubborn."

"The answer is still no," I was about to shut my window when I felt it. Vibrations, and heavy ones at that. But they weren't normal vibrations, no, someone produced them on purpose to draw my attention. 

"Get more wolves patrolling the territory," I said. 

"What, why," he had an edge to his voice. A concern, it was a concern in his voice.

"Just do it," I said. "And don't you dare leave me."

And so we set out to where I felt the vibrations were stronger. All the way, I was sending my vibrations, to make sure that whoever is there, stays there. And they did, they didn't even move which was strange. Dread started cursing itself in my veins. Is Victor already attacking, is this all a distraction while someone else gets taken. I couldn't figure out the answers and it was slowly killing me inside.

I didn't have the answers and I wanted them, needed them to assure me that not everything that has happened is my fault. To push out the thoughts Victor has implanted in my mind since a girl. To assure that I can defeat Victor, ride the world of someone filled with evil. But the world is a cruel place, where there isn't a simple answer to life. And that proved to be right when Eric and I arrived.

There she was, another girl I haven't seen in years. A girl that disappeared only to be never seen again. Until now, but the sight wasn't happy. She was battered, beaten, and looked to be dead. The only reassurance was the slow rise and fall of her chest. But it was light and getting father apart by the minute. 


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