(1) Changing Wade: Marry Me [Original]

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There was a time, not that long ago, that the woman fidgeting nervously outside of the church doors used to be mine. It was my name we dreamed of her taking, our kids we talked about having, a life we built together, even if only in our heads. But that time was gone- because while I was watching her from afar, drawing up memories from the past , even if it were our past; she was preparing to marry someone else. Someone not me. My hands tightened around the platinum band in my hand, microscopic diamond digging into the thick flesh of my palm - the tiny pain a reminder. I had to ask myself why I was here in the first place? Why was I torturing myself? I had no obligation, and it wasn't like I'd actually been invited in the first place. Hell, she'd likely throw her bouquet at me if she saw me. But here I was. Cowering, hiding, but still watching as she picked at her dress, her hair, fussed with the bundle of flowers in her hands. She was splenderous, glowing in all of her beauty; even if it were nervous enegery floating around her. Somehow this Annaleigh was so different than the one I met all those years ago, and I wondered where all of her confidence went? The spark that had made me chase after her, that had drawn me in. That to this day still made it worth getting my ass whopped twice.


The taste of warm beer hit my tongue and I fought the urge to spit the swill out instead of guzzling it down, not daring to waste the only source of oblivion it seemed I would achieve for the evening. Music played overhead, making the night seem endless as the stars seemed to dance along with it. The fire crackled heavily in the distance, a heady scent carrying in the summer heat; I swung my leg lazily in the air, bouncing the tailgate of my truck lightly as I moved, taking another long drag from the lip of the bottle. Despite the jovial mood surrounding me, I was anything but. I knew I should be, hell, I'd just helped take the Red Mire Timber Wolves to state. All of my teammates were living it up at this impromptu field party. Over the haze of the bonfire I spotted Easton and Weston Commings shooting glances in the direction of their other half, Dahlia Redd, who was currently cozied up against some meathead from Cedar Pond. I was certain she was only doing it to dig at their nerves, the girl loved doing that more than anything else, but they didn't see it; only that the girl they loved was in the arms of another. It was like a sappy, slightly off kilter country song. Half of Red Mire knew that the Commings twins were going to be that set of siblings to share , only the RM Baptist church hags cared enough to sprout words of hate in their direction. My twin, Wynter, was currently dancing to a Stoney LaRue song with Steele Evans, our running back and star bad boy. My sister loved to flirt with danger, and if she managed to cause a little trouble while doing it she was satisfied.

Ignoring the brewing drama, I lazily scanned the crowd of hormone crazed teenagers wondering what was so off that even I, Wade"Tank" Montgomery, couldn't enjoy my night? It definitely wasn't anything at home. Mom and dad were happy, healthy and still so in love. Walker, my older brother, had finally gotten married to the woman of his dreams. Nila was finally an official Montgomery, but we all knew deep down that she always had been. Wiley was off at school, decorating, painting or whatever it was that she chose to do, and little Wade, well, he was likely huddle up in his bedroom with his guitar perfecting his set for the Homecoming dance. Still, tonight had me feeling jittery, it was almost as if I was waiting for something to happen.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of Stephanie Briggs in all her glory, meandering her way toward me. My body definitely awakened at the sight, and simple thought of what she had to offer, and was no doubt going to, but my mind wasn't so on board. It was no secret that Stephanie was a ball bunny and had sank her claws into as many Timber Wolves that had so much as looked her way, and what wasn't to look at? She was a walking wet dream -- nearly six foot tall with legs and curves for days, a killer smile paired with glowing gem colored eyes and topped with a mass of copper curls. She was a good time if a guy ever needed one and more than willing and I liked girls who could provide a good time -- they didn't just call me Tank for my skill on the field, though if my Mama was asked that's the only way it applied. I'd dared to cozy up to her a time or ten, expending some serious restlessness, but I knew she was nothing more than a good time; and tonight she didn't do it for me. No matter how good those shorts looked on those long tan legs. The downside about Stephanie was her tenacity, if she wanted something she got it and nothing except a better, or more intriguing offer, could get in her way. I wondered how I was going to get her off my ass tonight. I didn't have the patience to participate in her small talk or be polite to shield her feelings, whatever those might be. Luckily her approach was intercepted by Ian Stuabbs. Something about the new guy seemed to interest the briefly pouting beauty enough to get her to follow him to his Hummer with a determined gait after only a few moments and lusty glances. Silently I wished him good luck, he had no idea what he'd just signed up for. Tossing the empty bottle back into the designated trash bag at my feet, I simultaneously fished for another from the box behind me. Hopefully Dad didn't go looking for the old case he'd bought a few weeks ago.

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