Chapter 1

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"Lír!" King Ælfric shouted as he swung open the door to his daughter's bed chambers. She quickly tried to hide the book in front of her from her father before he could see. Unfortunately, for Lír the Gods did not favor her in this moment.

"What is this filth you are reading?"

"The story of Odin's one eye, Father." Lír whispered in nothing but fear.

"Odin's eye? Pagan stories, again!? How do you get these blasphemous books!?" The king spoke again before she could answer. "You, my dear daughter, have sinned greatly, in the morning go to the priest to have your soul cleansed, and pray to our lord and savior to guide you back on the right path."

The king leaves his daughters chambers with the book in hand. The last thing Lír wanted right now was to pray to Jesus, but to Odin, at this moment she would give her life just to escape her family's unaccepting manner.

"Slave girl, go fetch me a priest." Ælfric barked the order at the young woman crossing the castle hallways.

"Wife, our daughter's mind is nothing but filth, I am worried about her soul." King Ælfric says taking a seat on his bed. The woman walks over and places a kiss on her husbands forehead.

"Shh, the priest will return her to good faith." The lady says only slightly helping her husbands worry.

"King Ælfric, Queen Ainslee, what is your need of me?" The priest asks entering the king and queens chambers.

"It is our daughter, lord. She has sinned and continues to do so. Ever since the heathen Ragnar Lothbrok came and raided our towns, she has had an undeniable interest in the godless savages. Please return her on the right path so that her soul can still be saved. We beg you!" King Ælfric states as his wife cries on the bed.

The priest walks over to the king "oh, yes I have heard of princess Lír's indiscretions, and I have no doubt in mind that she can be helped. After all young women can be impressionable, which is why I fear a proposal would help her more, and keep her from falling from faith ever again."

"What is your proposal, lord?" King Ælfric asks curiously.

"Well, it could take time and worry, but I feel strongly that it could help. Lír has always been a good christian woman, the pagan savages don't treat those too well. So, should Ragnar Lothbrok ever return, instead of letting him raid, call him to the city and make a deal. Pay him to leave, give him a fair price... and Lír. Should everything go as planed he will take her as a slave and take her back to his homland. She will see first-hand what savages pagans are, and when Ragnar decides to raid us again, make another deal, one that includes the ruturn of Lír." After the priests plan was stated both the king and queen sat in silence, until Queen Ainslee stands up to protest.

"NO! You mosnter that is preposterous! How could you suggest such a heinous act, you know what they could do to her!?" Queen Ainslee screems at the priest.

"WIFE! He is a man of God you will apologize and treat him with respect!" King Ælfric screems at her. The queen mutters an apology, but is still enraged by the priest's suggestion.

"While I am not happy with it myself, lord why can we not just help her here?" The king asked

"My king, we could, but she could always still go back to old ways. I believe that she needs to see it with her own eyes. In addition, God forbid, she could lie, and say she has returned to the one true path." The priest states cautiously.

"Very well, should Ragnar ever return, we pray that it works so that her soul may return to salvation." The king ushered the priest out of the room, while his wife gave him a nasty look, disgusted with her husbands decision.

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