Chapter 12

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Not even a second after the words came from Lír's mouth, she was silenced by Hvitserk's lips connecting with hers.
He put his hands on either side of her face, parted their lips, stared deep into her eyes, and said the words, "I love you too". She put her hands on his chest and moved him back to the bed. She pushed him down on his back while she stood and gave him a seductive smile and crawling on top of him. She sat herself on his hips, reached for the bottom of her gown, and pulled it off. Revealing her slightly swollen stomach, he moved his hand up to feel it. In that moment they felt nothing but love. She leaned down to kiss him, her hands sliped down to his pants, untying them while he removed his shirt. She ran her hands over his hard muscles. He moved one hand down to line himself up with her. He slowly pushed in as Lír removed her lips from his and let out a loud moan and rolled her eyes back. He started pumping in and out faster much to their pleasure. His lips connected with her breasts, his tounge explored her hard nipples. She started to feel something in her stomach, knowing exactly what it was she whispered in Hvitserk's ear "I love you so much"...
She moaned his name that night far more than she ever moaned Ivar's.


Freydis walked through the streets hoping to have a conversation with Ivar. He told her that he no longered desires her, but she knew he was lying. Entering the great hall, she was greeted by a scoul from Ivar.
"What are you doing here. You aren't welcome Freydis." "I want to speak... In private". She motioned to the servants in the room. He sighed and gestured for them to leave.
"You can't be here." He refused to look at her. "Ivar, my love," she sat in Lír's chair and grabbed his hand. "I miss you. Terribly. I love you." She had the sweetest voice while she looked into his eyes. He quickly pulled his hand away "I love my wife."
"Where is your wife then? Hmm, Ivar."
"Leave Freydis!" He was losing his temper. "Because I know Ivar. I know exactly where she is and who she's with." "Freydis please just go." He had tears in his eyes. He loved her, they both knew it. It hurt him to turn her away. She stood angrily "Fine, but just so you know, she is with Hvitserk." She turned and marched out of the hall. Ivar didn't want to believe her, but how could he not?
He gathered his thoughts before grabbing his crutches and walking out of the greastreets. He exited the hall only to realize that Freydis was right. He could see Lír coming out of his brothers cabin. She smoothed out her dress and checked her surroundings before walking off into the streets.

Ivar walked back into the hall quickly to sit on his throne. He looked over to a guard, "Bring my brother to me!" He tried to calm himself down in order to give no indication that he knew.

Hvitserk entered the hall. Ivar could barely look at him until he broke the silence. "I have been thinking about you, my dear brother."
"Have you?" "Yes. I've been thinking about how you have really no proper role, here, in Kattegat."
Hvitserk nodded in annoyance, "So, how could I be more useful to you?"
"You can leave Kattegat." Hvitserk's eyes widened. "Leave?"
"Yes, to Denmark. To meet a Danish king. Olaf the Stout. To find an ally him."
"And if I refuse?"
"Hvitserk. The child my wife carries, it would certainly be a shame if something happened to it... Would it not?"
Hvitserk walked up and got close to Ivars face. "You wouldn't do that."
Ivar gave his famous evil laugh, "It appears that you don't know me at all, brother. If you agree to leave the first thing in the morning, nothing will happen to your child."
Hvitserk knew he couldn't win, he nodded in agreement. He stormed out of the great hall hoping to find Lír.

Hvitserk searched the streets for Lír, pushing people out of the way he finally found her. She was laughing with the townsfolk. He went up behind her and grabbed her arm to pull he away, "we need to speak".
She stopped him, " Hvitserk, can it wait. We were having a conversation."
"It can't, please come."
Lír looked back at the people who ushered her to go, she gave an apologetic goodbye. He pulled her back behind a cabin. "What is going on?" "Ivar is sending me away. To Denmark, to find a King."
She sighed "Yes, he mentioned he might to that. I-I think it would be best."
"How can you sa that?!"
"Hvitserk please, he is already suspicious. For the time being this is best."
He threw his arms up, "So what. Is this goodbye?" She nodded with tears in her eyes, wrapping her arms around him and putting her face into his chest, she quietly sobbed.
He hugged her small figure and kissed the top of her forehead. She pulled away and wiped her eyes.
"It won't be forever. We will see each othee again." With that she walked away, leaving him alone. He couldn't control his feelings, tears ran down his face knowing that this would b the last time he would see her for a while.


Ivar went back to seething with anger. He couldn't think. He went to his room to gather his thoughts. Katla was there playing with Leif.
"Leave!" His voice terrified her, she put the baby down and ran out of the room. He sat there with rage wanting to kill not of them. Ivar snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his son coo-ing and laughing. He picked his son up and looked into his eyes. Ivar saw none of him in his son, he hated that. As usual his anger for his wife and brother blinded him. He looked at the baby and then and the pillows behind him. He grabbed one and put it over the small child's face. Leif started wailing and then it stopped.
Ivar was...relieved. After a moment he took a deep breath and held his sons lifeless body. He stood and grabbed a small sack that was sitting in the corner. He only shed a single tear as he put Leif inside and walked out of the hall into forest. He sat on a rock and dug a small grave, put the bag inside, an just stared of into the sky.
"I-I am so sorry my son. But, your mother ha-had to be punished. She did this to you." With that, he wiped his face and crawled away.

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