Chapter 3

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"My King, God has answered our prayers! Ragnar Lothbrok is hear!" The priest said rushing over to the King, who smirked, yet was worried. "Your highness, what troubles you?"

King Ælfric looked down as he sat on his throne. "Lord, I have faith in your plan for my daughter, but my wealth is what worries me, how do we know that Ragnar will want to compromise or worse, if he does, how do we know he won't turn around and attack and take what he wants?" He asked in a low whisper.

"Your highness, you can't think like this, you must have faith in my plan, you must have faith in God, as he will watch over your daughter."

"I have faith in him, I do not, however, have faith in the heathen. What if he kills her or sells her? God has already decided not to give me and my wife another child!"

"Yes, he has, God has a plan your highness, Lír is a substantial part of that plan. Trust that the heathens are too."

"Heathens!? Part of the Lord's plan, no, he wouldn't." Ælfric shouted angrily at his preist.

"Your highness, he is the one true God, he created Adam and Eve, me and you, Ragnar and his heathens."

That statement must have ment something to Ælfric, for after he ordered his men to bring Ragnar and 20 men of his choosing to the castle.

------Viking Encampment------
"King Ragnar! There are men here to see you, they say they are here from King Ælfric." One of Ragnar's men told him.

"King Ælfric, how does he know we are here?" Rollo questioned.

"His men said that he has been waiting for our return." The viking man mentioned.

"What does the king want?" Ragnar wanted to know.

"The men wouldn't say anymore to me, he would only talk to you, King Ragnar."

"Very well, go get them and bring them to my tent." Ragnar commanded.

"What do you think he wants?" Rollo asked his brother.

"I do not know, brother."

-----------Ragnar's Tent------------
"Hello, King Ragnar. My name is Benton, I am an aide of King Ælfric, and he sent me and my men here to deliver a message."

They were all silent for a moment until Ragnar asked,
"what does your King want with us?"

"He is willing to pay you and your men well, in exchange for you to not attack the land. He says you and 20 men of your choosing may come to his castle to negotiate a fair price."

Ragnar sat quietly, thinking about what was the better option. He took Rollo aside to ask his thoughts. Rollo, of course, thought they should kill the men and attack, but Ragnar decided to hear what the King could offer.

"We will hear what your King has to offer, but I won't  promise that I will agree to his terms. I will promise that until I speak with him, that none of my men will attack." Ragnar spoke to the men.

"Thank you, King Ragnar. I will inform King Ælfric, he said that if you agreed, take 20 men and be at the gates of the city in 2 days time. Other than not attacking, he has only one condition that he will inform you of when you meet. Thank you for your time." Benton said before walking away, before Rollo stopped him.

"Wait, what is the other condition?" Rollo asked.

"Apologies, but it is not my place to say. He did say that it would benefit both King Ragnar and him, along with the future of Deira." Benton said and nodded before leaving the encampment. Rollo and Ragnar only stared.

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