just ask her out!

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*On the phone with Ned, later that night*

"Ned, I have a serious problem," Peter fell back against his bed, rubbing his tired eyes from doing homework all night long.

"What is it? Did someone already find out that you're Spiderman?"

"Oh my gosh, no. It's... a girl problem. Her name's Betty Cooper. She gave me a tour today of the school. I really wanted to ask her to the back to school dance she brought up at the end, but I froze. She gave me her phone number if I had anymore questions. Should I..."

"Should you ask her out? Yes."

"What? Are you crazy?"

"You were going to ask me if you should! Maybe just ask her out on a date for tomorrow night or something."


"Peter, just think about it. Would you rather be struggling with a girl problem or trying to defeat some super villain problem?"

"See Ned, I could actually probably defeat the villain."

"Just do it, Peter!" 

"Okay fine, I'll call you back later."

Peter fumbled with his thumbs, thinking about Ned's suggestion.  Peter could only hope Betty wouldn't ignore his text. Or even worse, reject him.

Peter searched up, "Betty" to send a new a message to. Suddenly, he paused. Peter felt his heart come to a halt. Every limb in his body went numb and his hands began to sweat. He felt so stupid for being this nervous, over a text message. It was so easy. All he had to do was text, "Hey Betty. I didn't get to say this early because I was too nervous. But I think you're really pretty and I was wondering... Do you want to go see a movie with me tomorrow night?" Why couldn't he do that? He tried to text the first two words but his thumbs were shaking too much. 

"Crap," Peter muttered in frustration.

Peter finally found the courage and managed to send the text to Betty before having another freeze freak out. He nearly dropped his phone onto the hardwood floor from shutting it off so fast. 


*13 minutes later*

Betty: "That's sweet of you. Sure. Search up the movie times and let me know."

Peter had to read her reply twice to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. He went to sleep later that night with the biggest smile on his face.

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