was that all?

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"Thank you for tonight," Betty smiled at Peter before she closed his car door.

"Wait!" Peter halted her.

"What?" Betty raised her eyebrow, looking at boy with cheeks as red as cherries now.

"Um, don't... forget the biology lab we have due tomorrow!" Peter stammered, although that's not what he really wanted to say. He wanted to ask her if they could see each other again.

"I won't. Is that all?"

Peter hesitated. Maybe Betty wants to see him too? Fuck it, it's now or never.

"I... want to see you again. But like if you don't want to see me then that's totally cool too. I mean you're like way out of my league and-"

"You're honestly a breath of fresh air compared to most guys. I would love to see you again," Betty leaned closer to Peter, giving him a warm embrace. Peter relaxed into their hug, feeling as if the universe was finally going his way.

They were losing themselves in each other's eyes. Peter only hoped Betty was having the same exact thoughts. Kiss me, kiss me, please kiss me. Peter moved his attention towards Betty's pink, plump lips that were taunting him. Oh my god, kiss me before I leave.

"Thanks for the great night, I'll see you again," Betty finally said, still not breaking eye contact with Peter.

"Thanks to you too. I can't wait to spend time with you again," Peter tried to give a flirtatious hint through the tone of his voice.

Peter just accepted Betty probably wouldn't kiss him goodnight. She would have some sort of sense in himself that kissing on the first date would be wrong. Peter nodded to Betty as a silent goodnight and turned around to open the door. Before Betty could step inside her house, she felt Peter's hand on her shoulder.

Peter gently turned Betty back around to face him. He stepped halfway in, just close enough for their chests to press against each other. Betty shivered, letting out a breath against Peter's lips. Peter cocked his head to the right while Betty tilted her's to the left. Their lips met each other in the middle which sent even more shivers down Betty's spine. Peter pushed his lips against Betty's more roughly. In response, Betty wrapped her arms around Peter's neck. Peter grew more eager and pulled Betty outside again, holding her closer. Their kisses lasted longer each minute. The sounds of their lips pressing against each other echoed throughout the quiet neighborhood. Betty finally released from the kiss first. She was out of breath. Peter shook his head to recover while he heard Betty laugh it off.

The two stayed in each other's arms for awhile beneath the night light shining down on them. Peter never wanted this moment to end. He kept kissing Betty again every time she stopped. Betty snickered at Peter's desperation for kisses.

"Good night Betty," Peter said before Betty began to walk inside again.

"Good night Peter," Betty shyly smiled, still bewildered as to what just happened.


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