betty, stay with me.

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*On the night of the school dance*
"So Betty, who's taking you to the dance again?" Alice asks, making final touch ups to Betty's hair.

"Mom, his name is Peter Parker. He's the new guy at school."

"Is he nice? Does he do jingle jangle? How tall is he? Are you sure your heels won't make you taller than him?"

Betty rolled her eyes at Alice's probing questions, "Mom he's a really nice kid. And my heels aren't that big."
*Peter's POV*

I tried to calmly breathe in and out while waiting for Betty. I couldn't believe it. I was actually taking her to homecoming! I fixed my tie a couple of times again while trying to readjust my hair. I needed to make sure I looked the best for her. I was taken aback in the middle of slicking my hair when the door opened in a flash. My jaw dropped as I saw the most beautiful girl in front of me. Betty wore a light pink dress with white open toed heels and a golden necklace to top it all off. Her smile made it seem as if the world was finally at peace. Her beauty truly hypnotized me. It felt like the world stopped when I laid my eyes on her, she was the only thing I could focus on.

"You look handsome," Betty complimented.

"N-no! You... you look handsom- I mean beautiful! Sorry,' I nervously stuttered as I tried to keep my balance.


*At the dance*

My hands felt incredibly clammy. I didn't even know how to slow dance. I just tried to wing it the best I could. Her eyes locked with mine during the whole dance. Our lips met a couple of times again, only making my heart race more. She put her forehead against mine and whispered,

"I haven't felt this way with anyone in awhile."

"Me neither."

The Night We Met started playing as I twirled Betty around, watching again in awe of her bottle blonde beauty. Her giggle was like music to my ears, in fact it was more enjoyable than the songs playing. I could tell there was a downpour going on outside as well. Thunder boomed from outside of the building, adding to the aesthetic of the song. Of course the idea of going home in the rain wasn't enjoyable, but for some reason; it made the atmosphere more romantic.


"Thank you for an amazing night," Betty said.

"It wouldn't have been if you weren't my date," I replied joyfully while I opened my car door for her.

I gave Betty the aux cord and to my surprise, she replayed The Night We Met.

"Why this song?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"It was my favorite song we danced to tonight. It can be... our song from now on," She smiles, grabbing my hand to hold onto for the rest of the ride.

I squeezed her hand in response, hoping she would somehow know that I wanted this night to last forever. When we reached a stoplight, I took the opportunity to kiss Betty again. As I slowly leaned into her, I noticed from the side of my eye a car quickly approaching us. But I noticed too late- my spider senses were distracted.

Before I knew it, our car was forcefully pushed by the other unaware-probably drunk driver, causing us to swerve onto the sidewalk. The windshield imploded, shattering sharp slivers of glass. The metal of the car screeched, Betty and I's screams collided, and that's everything I could remember hearing during the crash. I was lucky to be alive. My face was pressed into an airbag, and all I could smell was smoke, blood, and my own fear.

I quickly pushed myself out of the heavy airbag and reached over to Betty. Right when I saw her blooded and bruised face, I began to feel weak all over. She was still alive when I checked her pulse. But now, I was also in danger of passing out. I felt lightheaded, shocked, and overall miserable. I couldn't bear it anymore. But I started to regain some hope as I heard ambulance and police sirens growing louder. Before drifting off, I whimpered into Betty's ears,

"Betty, stay with me."


A/N: Sorry I write pretty short. I'm just honestly not that inspired or in the mood for Peter & Betty anymore. But I've seen that a few people enjoy this story so I wanted to update it for you guys. Hopefully this engages even more people.

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