Chapter 1

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Royal's POV

"Royal. Could you please go to the garden and get some corn for me? I know Ginger harvested a lot a few days back." Mother asked me as I entered the kitchen. "Sure. I'll go get some. But may I get some breakfast first?" I ask, walking over to the fridge.

"It'll only take you ten minutes to walk to the garden and come back. Why can't you eat then?" Mother asked, turning her head to look at me from whatever she was doing over the counter. I sigh. "Because I didn't eat much dinner last night and I regret it now because I'm really hungry."

She sighed and looked back to whatever she was doing. Possibly writing down something. "Okay, then. Just be quick about it. I'm making stew for lunch today and if I want it ready by noon, I need that corn asap." She said, more to herself than to me. "You know how your father gets if his lunch isn't on the table when he sits down."

I pull some left over spaghetti from last night that was in the fridge and down half of what was in the container before putting the lid back on and back into the fridge. "Okay. I'm on my way to get you some corn, mother." I say, exiting the kitchen, crossing the living and got to the front door.

The garden of the pack wasn't that far away from my home that I shared with my parents. It was maybe a five minute walk, if I walked slow. It was fairly big and had a variety of different plants we could choose from. Corn, soybean, squash, cucumber, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries. They all grew at different times, naturally, but with the little storage building on the perimeter of the garden, there was still enough of each thing for everyone to choose from if it hadn't rotted away, yet. But luckily a few years ago there was a fridge installed for the easily rotting foods.

"Royal! By the moon goddess, I thought I'd never see you again!" Ginger squealed when I walked up to the little storage building. She wrapped me in a big bear hug and rocked us back and forth until she finally had her fill of embracing and let me go. "I know. But you've been here harvesting and watching over the storage building. So we couldn't really hang out."

She took a deep breath in and sighed. "I know. I can't believe that mom made Michael and I sign up for this. But she did. I thought it would be an easy job, because I thought I just had to sit here all day and drink water and snack on the different foods. But no. It's all about harvesting too. And especially with it corn season right now."

Ginger was very beautiful. Bright auburn hair, green eyes, fair skin, freckles. But she was very short. Only 5'3". So harvesting corn was probably very hard since it was much taller than even me.

I had brown hair, royal blue eyes, hence why I was named Royal, tan skin, and 5'8". But wasn't as beautiful as Ginger, who had already found her mate when she was eighteen. Now she was twenty and living a perfectly happy life with Victor and four children already. Two sets of twins in the last two years.

I, on the other hand, have not found my mate yet and probably never will. Most of the people around my age already found a mate in the pack. And with the alpha's orders of no one leaving the pack due to possibly getting injured by others, and no one coming in unless he invited them himself, I haven't seen anyone who could be a potential mate.

"Anyways," I started. "I've been wondering if you have some corn. My mom is wanting some to put in a stew."

Ginger instantly nodded and walked into the little storage building. "How many ears do you need?" She asked, her voice mumbled from the brick walls of the building. "I'd say four. Just in case mom wants to save some for something else."

Seconds later, Ginger came out with four ears of corn in her arms and she handed them off to me. "Have fun with those. And oh, by the way, did you hear that the alpha is finally allowing someone from a different pack come in?"

I scrunched my nose. I hadn't heard anything about that so I just shook my head no. "Well, rumor has it. It's Dean Ryder." She whispered, looking around like she made sure that no one was listening to our conversation. My eyes widened. "What? The Dean Ryder? Probably one of the most dominant alphas in the US and Canada combined?" I hoarsely whispered. She nodded. "He's very dominant, I've heard. That's what got him to become alpha out of him and his older brothers. And he's the youngest of the five of them." Ginger shivered. "Just be glad he most likely won't be your mate."

I shuddered. "Right. I'd pity the poor girl who was mated to such a dominant wolf. Especially a dominant alpha. Which is worse. I know most wolves and alphas have a soft spot for their mates. But there are still times where their dominance comes out." I sigh. "Do you know when Dean is supposed to come in? I'd actually like to get a glance at him. See if he really is like what they teach you in school." I giggled.

Once Dean became alpha six years ago, when he was eighteen, most of the pack elders said he was like a greek god. Handsome, muscular, tan, golden blue eyes. Only a few of the elders and the alpha has been out of the pack between then and now, so obviously they would most likely know what the alpha looked like.

"But I've heard he was really handsome. So maybe dealing with his dominance is worth dealing with." Ginger said, giggling and wiggling her eyebrows. "Ew." I giggled again. Ginger stopped her laughing and gave me an innocent look. "What? I don't know why you're saying ew." She gave a pout. I stuck my tongue out.

"I have to go. Mom's probably going to try and mind link me any moment now, asking if I'm my way with the corn." I said, starting to walk away, saying bye in the process.

Once I walked in the front door, mom was right there to take the corn out of my hands. "Took you long enough. I felt like it was a bad decision to send you to get the corn once I realized how close you and Ginger were." She sighed and walked into the kitchen. "Sorry mom. We were gossiping."

I heard her sigh before I entered the kitchen. "Gossiping leads to a hole not everyone can get out of. But, not really caring about that, what you guys gossiping about?" She asked me, glancing my way with a small smirk and curiosity in her eyes.

I giggled. "We were talking about a rumor that's been going around. With an alpha coming in. I don't know how true that is, since not once have I ever seen someone come into the pack and not one person leave. Unless it were the pack hunters. But they didn't leave far from the perimeter."

Mom hummed. She usually does that when she's intrigued. "I heard something about that too. Um.. Alpha Dean, I think is his name. Heard he is very dominant. Very loud. Out there. If he doesn't get his way, then he gets angry. That's what his father wanted in an alpha after he either stepped down or died. His four older brothers weren't really like that. So ultimately, Dean became alpha of the Feral Pack."

I nodded, even though she wasn't looking. "Do you think that maybe he has a mate?" I asked, out of curiosity. Mom shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, sweet pea. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. I would ask him myself if he came but you know the rule." She mumbled the last part.

"Yeah yeah. It's not "polite" to speak to an alpha unless he speaks to you first. Unless you're his mate. Then you can talk to him whenever and whatever you please." I sigh.

Mom looked over her shoulder to glance at me then glanced back to the corn, that she had been working on during our whole conversation. "Why don't you go do something? Go see if Ginger's off her shift. Spend time with her. You don't always have to be cooped up in this house all day, you know. It's unhealthy. Get some vitamin D or something, I don't know."

I groan. Going outside seemed like harder work than me getting the corn for mom and her stew. "Fine. Okay. I guess I'll go see if Ginger is off her shift yet." I said, exiting the kitchen then the house.

Finally walking back to the garden, Ginger was talking to someone. And that someone was her older brother, Michael. He was twenty five. "Hey Mike." I said when I came up to the pair. "Hey kid." He smirked, giving me a side hug. "I'm not a kid. I'm nineteen years old." I smirked, slapping his chest as I pulled away.

He chuckled. "Well you are to me. Because you are a few years younger than I am." He told me. Rolling my eyes, I hit him again. "Right." I say. "Go to your shift. I'm stealing your sister from you because I'm bored and need someone to hang out with. And I don't wanna hang out with you here because the garden is boring. So bye Michael." I said, pulling Ginger away from the garden.

"Where are we going?" She asked she followed me. "I don't know. All I know is that I wanna hang out." I told her. She just shrugged and followed me.

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