10 | unseen

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Silas arrived home late from the meadow after leaving Cole, a flame of joy still lightening his step. The front door was already open.

"Mom? Dad?" he called into the gloom.

The fire was lit in the living room; a stone indent in the wall they filled with turf.

His mother was sitting in the wooden rocking chair with a worn blanket across her lap. Her drowsy eyes filled with relief at the sight of him.

"Where have you been?" she asked hastily.

"I was with—"

"She's not well. We were . . . worried, no idea where you were. You can't leave like that again. You know we need you here. What if she— you can't do that."

"I'm fine."

His mother gave him one more inscrutable look before returning to the hall, most likely to his sister's room.

Silas lifted the blanket from where it lay dead on the chair and curled up beside the fire, drawing it across his shoulders. There he stayed until eventually his eyelids grew heavy and slumber approached.

For some time, he awoke and felt the presence of people in the room, whispering to each other. Doors closed and he stayed as he was while the fire died out. The whole world seemed to be quiet and calm and he wanted to be the world and feel like that.

i know they don't have the time to spare, but it would be nice to be noticed one day.

prince ♛ cole mackenzieWhere stories live. Discover now