Chapter 17: Tears

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So starting from here until the epilogue everything will be completely different! And I hope you all will love this version more than the last one. 



Do you guys ever just brush your hair until it becomes super soft?

I do that to just simply keep my mind out of the gutter. I bet your all wondering why is your mind in the gutter?

Well, let's just say that a couple of hours ago, I was caught running around; pretty much you know fooling around, and then was scolded since it could make me fall ill once more.  

I understadn that they want to make sure that I am absolutely comfortable, but seriously. I feel fine right now, and will inform them that if I feel sick or any pain I will go and tell them. 




I snapped my head over to the door and called out, "who is it?" 

I could barely hear the whispers outside, and somehow, I knew that it must have been my girls. Rolling my eyes, I turned my head back over to my reflection and was a bit shocked at what I saw. 

I knew that I looked like I was a dead person these past few days, but seriously... it still scares me. Scares me to the full extreme that my life is coming to an end... and I don't know when or where that will end. 

Putting my brush down gently, I dropped y head and allowed ym hair to cover my face for some time. I soon heard my bedroom door open, and without turning my head back to see how it was, I simply kept quiet. 

"What do you guys want?" I said in a whisper. 

All of the whispering hushed down and I felt someone's hands go over my shoulder. "Hey are you okay?" Lexi asked. 

I nodded my head, and lifted my head. Smiling at all of them, "Yes... just a bit tired and angry that I was scolded earlier." I said, trying to ease their worries. 

"No... don't lie to us Chrissie. Something is bothering you... tell us what..." Amanda said as she sat beside me. 

I sighed and knew that I did not have a choice in this situation. Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I clsoed my mouth and stared at my clasped hands. Then Lexi and Amanda's hands went over mine and they squeezed it reassuringly. 

Looking up, my vision was already blurry, and before I knew it I broke out into a hysteric of cries. I must have alarmed both of them, considering that they suddenly went and hugged me, and was asking each other if they should call the doctor. 

Shaking my head, I tried my best to stop my cries but to tell you all the truth... it was really hard. " I-I'm fine... it's... it's j-just that I'm really...." i wandered off as I could not continue it. 

I already had the feeling that they knew what I was talking about. "Hey... when the time comes we will deal with it there, but right now... let's just live a little right? Go wild and have many outrageous parties that will piss off everyone." Amanda said as she lightly wiped my tears away from my pale cheeks. 

"That's right... so let's have fun! Do many pranks around here!" 

I bit the inside of my cheek, they both were right. I should live a little instead of hiding out and doing things that are not fun.

I should not keep myself locked up in a complete shell while there were things outside that are waiting for me. 

I nodded my head as my outburst of tears went down. And stared at them both in there eyes..." I'm sorry guys... I am just over emotional right now..." I whispered as I lowered my gaze back onto my hands. 

"Hey." Lexi said, I looked up at her, and she had that smile on her face. "Listen, we understand that you will be emotional... I mean who wouldn't be? So don't apologize about it.... we understand already..." 

I nodded my head, as I was lost of words. 

That was when right there and then, I clearly had great friends that would always have my back, even if I am at my lowest, and you know what? 

I will be there for them if they have that moment... which I am sure won't happen until that day but I will always be ready for them as they are ready for me. 

Sitting under the scorching heat was not a bright idea, and yet I fell for it since Lexi and Amanda wanted to go and do some yoga outside. 

I thought that it would be at least half an hour of them doing yoga, not bloody 3 hours. 

I bet your all thinking like well you can just go back inside can't you? Well I tried my best and let me tell you, everytime I step out from the seat that they got me, I would be pushed back in there and forced to sit there until they are done. 

I simply did nothing, just watched them or the dancing trees that seem to be all up in my face that at least they get to be free. 

my stomach started to growl, and I stood up, "I'm going to get food, I will be back!" I shouted over to Lexi and Amanda who just standing very still. 

"Okay, but you better get back!" warned Amanda who then went back to being really quiet. 

Rolling my eyes, I waved them off and began to head in. As soon as I stepped inside I sighed in bliss as I felt the cold air of the ac envelope me into a freezing cold. 

Smiling softly, I walked over to the fridge and opened it up in search for food. 

" Hungry?" someone's voice called out to me. From the scare, I accidently hit my head on the top of the fridge, biting my lip as I felt some bad words were about to come out, I backed away from the fridge to see who the hell was that. 

It was Jason who was trying his best not to laugh, I rolled my eyes and put one of my hand on my hip while the other is on my head. "Ha Ha." I said. 

He coughed and walked over to me, touching my head, he began to rub it. "Sorry... " he said, he did sound sincere but he still had that damn smirk on his lips. 

Pouting, I slapped his arm lightly and backed away from him. "Apology accepted..." I said, as I began to eye the apple that was looking so fresh and red. 

I walked over to it and grabbed it, walking over to the sink, I began to wash it. 

When I was about to put it in my mouth, I suddenly stopped and turned to look at Jason who was staring at my amusingly. "I think that an apple will not satify your hunger Chrissie." he said as he leaned against the counter. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's okay... and beside it will keep my stomach at bay until dinner comes..." I countered back to him. 

I also leaned against the counter, copying his exact movements. I noticed that Jason's eyes suddenly went soft as he noticed I did that. 

"I'm going to really miss these moments..." he whispered to himself. 

I stopped and stared at my apple, I was suddenly not feeling hungry, but I knew that if I did not eat it Jason would think something is wrong and I can't do that. So I sucked it up and took a huge bite from the apple. 

"So I have not sen you all day. Along with the others... what is going on?" I asked as I swallowed the huge bite. 

He smiled, but it did not reach his eyes at all. "We have been setting things up... you know for something." he said cheekily. I bit my lip and stared at him. 

"I can't and will not tell you my dear. You just have to wait." he said as he turned around and began to saunter outside. 

"Wait... for me?" I said, pointing at myself. 

He looked over his shoudler and looked at me before smirking. Then with his hand, he motioned the zip and throwing of the key before he left my sight. 

What were they planning....


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