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Skylar's POV

I was ecstatic at the thought of going back home when classes ended, lay around and enjoy the remaining day with Chicken.

But when Alex dropped me in front of my house and I opened the front door, I realized it wasn't locked. Which either meant that I had forgotten to lock the door this morning, or someone had broken in.

Both the thoughts were equally terrifying.

Cautiously, I stepped past the threshold, wishing Alex had waited for me in the driveway for at least a few more minutes. He had driven away the moment I stepped out of his car, something that he did a lot these days. He didn't use to, though. Now that I think about it, Alex and I used to have loads of sleepovers too. We practically lived in each other's houses.

But Alex had been growing a little distant. Which was strange. I hadn't pointed it out in case I was the one thinking too much into it.

"Hello?" I called out as I closed the front door behind me.

A big part of me was expecting the worst, all credits to each and every horror movie I had ever watched in my life. I seriously needed to stop watching them before my own life became one.

To my relief, there wasn't any Catholic nun's ghost or a serial killer in a mask waiting inside for me. It was just my mom and dad in the lounge, looking busy--so much so that they didn't even notice me coming in.

I stopped at the entrance and eyed them in surprise. Dad was sorting out some papers that were spread out in front of him on the coffee table. Mom, on the other hand, was busy with a call. I wouldn't have been surprised if it weren't my parents. My parents who were seldom present in this house unless it was early morning or late at night.

"Mom? Dad?" I plastered a small smile on my face just as Chicken stepped out of the kitchen and made her way towards me. I quickly scooped her up in my arms and stroked her light brown fur.

At the same time, Mom ended her call and looked at me, mirroring my smile. She looked perfect like always as if she had just changed into her work clothes, with her shoulder-length blonde hair combed perfectly. Unlike her, I always had my hair up in a ponytail, the same chestnut-brown that I had inherited from my dad.

"You're here," Mom said before enveloping me in a short hug, not caring that Chicken got squished in between us. Although I'm sure Chicken didn't mind. She loved hugs.

"How was school?" Dad spared me a small smile too, though he didn't look up from his papers.

"It was great." Which was definitely a lie. High school hardly ever felt great to me. "What are you guys doing here?"

That question would've been rude if it weren't my parents. Like I said, mine rarely were at home.

Dad looked up at me this time and chuckled. "You don't want us to be here?"

I shrugged and went over towards the couch, sitting down beside him and letting Chicken curl around in my lap.

"You both are hardly ever here," I said.

Mom's phone rang in her hand and she answered it almost immediately--as if she had been waiting for that call--before walking out of the lounge.

Probably one of her clients, I thought.

"We thought to stop by and check up on you," Dad told me. "Also, we needed to pick up some files and paperwork from here."

The latter made more sense than the former. Why else would they suddenly feel the need to check up on their seventeen-year-old daughter, who might just be a bit fucked up unlike themselves.

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