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Skylar's POV

"Where's Hanna?" Juliette asked, stopping by my locker and making an emphasis by raising her brows a bit too high. "And Alexander?"

I never understood why she loved calling Alex by his full name. It seemed very formal for some reason.

"They skipped school to go on a morning date," I said--more like grumbled--as I pulled out my Calculus textbook.

Her nose scrunched up ever so slightly before a snicker escaped her lips. Juliette had been one of the students from the foreign exchange program a few months ago. What surprised me, though, was that she had chosen to be my friend, instead of just fitting in with the popular group (she definitely had those looks).

"And why do you sound so angry about that?" She asked, twirling a strand of her blonde hair around her finger.

"Because he refused to take me along." I gave her a look. "Come on, Jules, what kind of friend does that?" I didn't like being the third wheel, but come on! It was a morning date; a perfect way to ditch school.

This was exactly why I never wanted Alex to date someone.

She snickered some more at that.

"I would've done that too if I were going out with my boyfriend." She clearly forgot to mention that she didn't have one. "Talking about boys, are you coming to Brian's party tonight?"

Brian was one of those guys who invited the entire school to his parties. His reasons were still unknown to all of us. Perhaps he was just kind, that's all.

"Do I have to?"

"Noah's gonna be there."

"Why am I supposed to go there only to see you making out with a guy?"

She rolled her eyes despite the smile on her face. "You can take Caden along." She wiggled her brows suggestively. I just responded with a blank look. "Like come on, girl, you two are like the fire couple of the century. We all need some hot action—"

"Don't. You embarrass me with your words."

"Seriously? All I've heard since I came to this school was how you changed that guy! Do you know what the cheerleaders say? That he never dated a girl before. And now he's dating you!" She gushed. "Not just that, when he looks at you. Oh my God, I cannot breathe when he looks at you."

The only person more dramatic than me was Juliette. Maybe that's why we became such good friends.

"Your relationship is goals." She whispered before straightening up as the bell rang. "I'll catch up with you later."

And then she was off to her class. I had my Calculus class right now. And I, as always, just wanted to doze off. I could clearly make out the people filing out of the hallway as I leaned my forehead against the metal surface of my locker.

I also knew that Vice-principal Harrington loved taking rounds in the hallways, especially during the first few classes. He'd certainly be pissed off if he saw me not moving ahead to my class--something that had happened a bit too many times before.

I closed my eyes shut. These days, the temptation to fall asleep during classes was just too hard to ignore. The finals were coming up and I was depressed.

All of a sudden, I felt an arm snaking around my waist. And surprisingly enough, I didn't pull away. I knew clearly well who it was.

"You better not make a remark about my sleep." I muttered, my eyes still closed. He pulled me against his chest with a small chuckle. I knew we could get detention for this if we got caught. Such intimate touching was strictly prohibited in hallways, especially when you were supposed to be in your class.

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