Thirty Nine

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Skylar's POV

Nobody was in the house except for Chicken and I.

I didn't know whether I should've felt relieved or the exact opposite when I came to terms with that--especially since there was that black tape still stuck over the sensor, reminding me of what might've happened here while I was at Alex's house.

Someone might've broken in. Maybe that someone was still here.

Even the alarm system was disabled and I was too paranoid to even make sure if I had done that or someone else. It was scary. I wanted to phone Mom or maybe even the police. But I didn't. Not when Mom had asked me not to. Not when Dad was still in the hospital.

I was still sitting against the glass windows, my knees pulled up to my chest, and my eyes kept darting from one corner of my house to the other. Chicken hadn't left my side either. I think we both were equally terrified.

We both perked up in alarm right as the doorbell rang. However, it was Chicken who was the first one to reach the door.

As if she even knew how to open it.

I didn't know why I had to think about it for a few seconds before standing up and walking towards the front door. I knew perfectly well who was behind it. But the last time I'd seen him, things hadn't gone well.

He's just here for the locker.

Just the locker.

Tucking back a few loose strands of my hair behind my ears, I cautiously opened the door, peeking out, while Chicken circled near my feet. Even though I knew it would be Caden, a small part of me still felt a bit surprised (and relieved) to find him standing there.

He was there, right there. His whole attire matching so well with the dark night sky outside, as he stood there with hands stuffed in his pockets. Everything about him seemed dark at that moment, or maybe it was just me and my paranoia.

I looked up into his eyes, the same green ones which were already staring at me. I didn't stare back though, even when a part of me wanted to. Instead, I gripped the door and tried not to think how badly my stomach clenched whenever I thought about our kiss.

He's just here for the locker.

"Hey," I spoke up, trying to ignore the tense silence around us as my eyes wandered behind him and out at the yard. "Come on in."

I didn't think twice before letting him in. I don't know why. Was I trusting him with this? Could I?

Caden got in and I glanced down at Chicken. She let out a small purr, almost as if she was just as unsure as me.

Inhaling a deep breath, I slid my hands beneath my crossed arms and leaned back against the closed front door. Caden wasn't really looking at me now and it made this all a bit less unnerving.

"So...the locker." I broke the silence.

His gaze wandered back to my face and I truly hated it now--the way my heart lurched every single time he did that. It wasn't just the fact that he was looking at me, but it was the look in those eyes too. Like he'd rather pay attention to me than anything else around me. Even if that was impossible to believe in.

"What happened yesterday?" He asked, and I couldn't help then but notice how his hair was tousled more than usual, messily falling over his forehead, like he'd just gotten out of bed. Except that there were dark shadows under his eyes. Exhausted, he looked tired. "At school?"

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