How it all started... Part 1

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Set before the first part when Leo first confessed to Charlie about his interests...


The lads had just returned from their tour the day before and had decided to spend the day chilling in their apartment to relax.

The boys were sat on opposite ends of the sofa mindlessly watching tv just appreciating the peace. Leo was wearing a hoodie, lounge shorts and black socks, Charlie wore a plain t-shirt, black Adidas joggers with his bare feet up on the coffee table.

They both scrolled through their phones checking their apps, reading comments about their tour, seeing what they had missed while they'd been away.

Every now an then Leo would glance at Charlies feet, an interest he was ashamed of and had never even hinted to his bro in case it ruined their friendship.

In his own mind though he knew how much he wished he could just have his bros feet on his lap massaging them. He sat admiring how smooth and clean they were, perfect toe nails and he enjoyed seeing Charlie wiggle his toes an show his soles.

Leo snapped out of his trance and realised that he had made himself hard by staring. He quickly grabbed a cushion to cover his lap, sighing in relief as he thought he'd got away with it.

But Charlie was observant "Someone got you excited Leo? Seen a photo you like?" He smirked.

"Yeah, I guess" Leo replied faking a laugh. He couldn't let Charlie know it was because of him let alone all the stuff Leo wanted to do with him.

"Wanna share with your bro?" Charlie smiled. "Nah I can't man it's not fair" Leo said trying to prevent his lie being revealed.

"Oh come on, it's only us and I could use the motivation if you get me" Charlie laughed.

Leo laughed awkwardly "I can't bro" as he said that Charlie launched himself over onto Leo. He tried to grab Leo's phone "Come on Leo it's only us" Leo buried his phone in the cushion as he struggled against the older lad. Charlie pinned the boys arms to the sofa and sat on his thighs.

"What are you trying to hide Little Leo?" Charlie raised a brow.

Leo sighed, he was gonna be found out if he wasn't honest with Charlie now.

"It's you Charlie..." Leo lowered his head "What do you mean? It's me on your phone?" Charlie asked puzzled.

"No, there's nothing on my phone. My problem down below is you..." he replied quickly.

"I don't get what you mean bro?" Charlie still looked confused.

Unfortunately the situation was only making Leo harder.

"I'm turned on because of you Charlie! Alright?!" Leo said suddenly aggressive.

Charlie jumped back off to his seat an just stared at Leo shocked.

"Oh, erm..." Leo quickly interrupted "I knew I never should've said anything, I've ruined it all now" he began to cry.

"What? No! Leo don't feel bad, it's not a bad thing... it's just a surprise I guess" Charlie comforted Leo and moved closer again to hold him in a hug.

"I don't care what you are, you're Leo and you're my best mate, nothing could ruin that" Charlie said into Leo's ear "You can be honest with me I'll accept anything you know me"

Leo looked up and dried his eyes "You really mean that?"

"Of course! Why would I be angry or annoyed just because you like me in that way? Our whole career is based on acceptance and not judging, that's genuine Leo" Charlie replied, slightly hurt Leo didn't already believe it.

"Thankyou Charlie" Leo snuggled into Charlies arms.

After a minute or two of silence as they both settled and Leo composed himself Charlie broke it "So what exactly were you thinking about to excite you while I was next to you?"

"Your feet..." Leo said without a pause, there was no point hiding anything now.

"My feet?" Charlie inquired slightly confused again.

"Yeh, I've always loved them, they're so perfect and smooth" Leo said unphased.

"Fair enough" Charlie said shrugging, he realised Leo's answer could have been alot weirder.

"I've always wanted to sit and massage them after we finish for the day and chill out, that's what I was thinking about when my problem started." Leo said honestly.

"Why have you never said? The amount of times I would have loved having them massaged after all the walking we do" Charlie laughed.

"I never thought you'd let me an it'd make things weird if I asked" Leo said "Never! I would've loved it, just like I'd love it now." Charlie nudged.

"What?" Leo questioned. "Would you like to massage my feet bro? They're still sore after all the touring."

"Yeah, I guess" Leo replied thinking it was a joke. "I was expecting a bit more excitement and enthusiasm from someone who's just been hard over the thought of doing it" Charlie said confirming he was being genuine.

"I'd love to Charlie, sorry I thought you were taking the piss"

The lads broke apart on the sofa again as Charlie moved his feet onto Leo's lap "I'll never take the piss when it comes to what you like bro"

"Thankyou" Leo said as he put his hands on Charlies bare feet. He began rubbing, the soft skin felt better than he could've ever imagined. His cock started hardening again quite rapidly. "I see your problems returned" Charlie giggled "Sorry" said Leo embarrassed.

"Shush, it's no problem. I can't blame you, it feels pretty good for me to" Charlie winked.

Leo blushed an continued massaging, happy he had opened up.

After a few minutes he asked "Erm, could I try... sucking your toes?"

After a short consideration Charlie said "Sure, today's a day for trying new things" he smiled.

Leo nervously lifted one foot to his face, he quickly smelled them, they weren't too bad but the lads hadn't been anywhere all day.

"You wouldn't wanna do that after I wear trainers all day bro" Charlie laughed "Oh I really would Charlie" Leo said without a doubt.

"Oh, well we'll have to wait and see then, now get sucking eh?"

"Yes Sir" Leo accidentally let slip out, Charlie questioned it in his head but thought he was just joking about.

Leo slowly brought Charlies toes to his lips. He wasn't sure as he'd never done this before. He went for it and took his big toe in his mouth sucking it quite shyly, he began lapping his tongue around the toe.

"Oh wow, that feels really good surprisingly" said Charlie laying there admiring Leo's motivation.

With that confirmation Leo continued and gradually sucked every toe individually as Charlie laid back and enjoyed the sensation.

Leo returned to massaging his feet after every toe was slick and wet. "Wow that was good Leo" Charlie said surprised "Thankyou, I've always wanted to try that"

"What else have you wanted to try?..." Charlie inquired now in the mood to explore...

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