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He started walking. Walking with no condition and no destination. It's been a while since he came out himself.
The autumn brought forth an early evening, signifying the beginning of long periods of harsh loneliness and numb frostbite. The state of raw abandonment is swallowing his sanity whole; dawn by dusk he feels his reason slipping through his frozen fingers.

He looked around and saw none. Of course, it's hollow. But he doesn't know if it's the deserted heart inside him or just outside. He actually likes it. He likes how the sky is slowly turning to purple and in no time it will be melanoid.

Workers from the mills going home. They are his neighbors but he doesn't even know their names and neither does they. As he is too into himself and his beautiful-gorgeous messed up life to give others a piece of his smile. He never smiles. He doesn't have the time to smile.

What matters to him is just some months before he becomes 20. 20 and freedom. These two words are everything he could ever dream of. 'You have a nice life' he heard it a lot. But he knows what he has in confinement of the so-called nice life.

Just crossing the subway he entered the nearby somber street, almost no light anywhere. Halfway through a man in coat, slender body but wide shoulders passed by him. He cannot be fully sure then but now he can swear his life he saw that man's eyes glow yellow. He didn't care and never bothered to take a second look.

On spur of the moment, a gush of cold wind hits his back and he heard loud rustling noises like wings flapping behind him. "Whaa.." he turned back.

He turned back and saw nothing but the same old cold dark road.

"Where did he go...?" He wrapped the black hoodie around him and pull out the hoods. "Get out of here Jackson, it's late and you gotta take your meds. You are hallucinating now."

But little did Jackson Wang knew, he just got his life marked by something he can never run out from.

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