Part 6: Rude Awakenings

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"Keeeeeeith~ Keeeeeiiiithy baby~"

Once again Keith is woken up and immediately assaulted with Lance's smile.

"Sorry, I let you sleep in again."

The mattress sinks with Lance's weight. A warm mug is thrust into Keith's hands. "Here, I know how you like it."

Keith gratefully raises the mug to his lips. The liquid is warm and mild, with just a bit of sweetness. It's as close to tea as he's going to get on an alien space craft.

"'time isit?" He slurs.

"Close to 10."

Keith groans. Again? Why was this happening? He decides a good night's sleep is grossly overrated. It wastes his time and leaves him slow and groggy the next morning.

"Sorry. I should've woken you up earlier." Lance scratches his neck sheepishly.

"'sfine." Keith takes another sip of his drink. Lance shouldn't have to take care of him like this. He should be able to wake up on his own.

"I uh... also brought you this." Lance places a bowl of warm porridge into his lap. A smiley face has been drawn on top with a spice resembling cinnamon.

"Thought you might like breakfast in bed. I noticed you like to keep to yourself in the morning."

Keith stares at the bowl in his lap. The obvious care that went into it, as well as the thoughtfulness behind it, warms his insides.

"Lance, I..."

"It's the least I could do...after last night." Lance casts his gaze to the ground. His ears burn scarlet.

"WELL! I've got a lot to do! Gonna run some drills with Blue, I think the old girl misses me." Lance quickly shuffles to the door. Keith shakes his head after him.



"I'm glad you didn't forget."

Lance softens. He brushes his hair back with his fingers.

"Nah man. Never." And he beams.


They're running the drones simulation again. Everyone is out, even Shiro, but Keith and Lance still dance on the floor. Their shields are up and they step around each other in a skilled rhythm.

"Lance, your right!"

"Got it!" Lance whips around and blocks a shot aimed for his leg. Keith goes down on one knee and protects Lance's stomach from a second laser.

"Your left!" Lance shouts and throws his shield down before a shot grazes Keith's ear.


Lance offers a hand, and pulls Keith swiftly to his feet in time for both of them to raise their shields and protect the other's back.

"How long has this been going on?" Allura's voice crackles in Shiro's helmet. He watches from the side, having come out from beneath the training floor some time ago.

"Five minutes maybe? I've lost track."

"I've never seen them like this. Did you say something to them?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm as amazed as you."

"Keith!" Lance dives in front of his partner, narrowly blocking a laser from hitting the back of his shoulder. Lance falls clumsily on the ground. Keith throws his shield on top of him and risks himself getting hit as another shot is fired towards his stomach.

"Ok, they're impostors. They have to be. I say we DNA test them." Pidge offers.

"You don't know. They've both been trying to make an effort..."

"Lance!" Keith dives on top of Lance, holding his shield behind him. The two fall to the ground, avoiding a barrage of shots that they could have never blocked. They fall onto the ground breathless, staring silently at one another until their laughter rings out.

"OK THEY ARE BODY SNATCHERS! WHERE IS MY CHILD?!" Hunk exclaims. Pidge nods in agreement. Panting and tangled in each other on the floor, a drone hits Lance in the ankle and they both fall through. They emerge a short time later, helmets off and covered in sweat. Shiro applauds them and elbows Hunk and Pidge to do the same.

"Very impressive boys." Shiro smiles and saunters forward. "I'd hardly believe it, if I didn't just watch you with my own two eyes."

"It's no big deal really. You act like me being awesome is unusual." Lance sighs and clicks a finger gun towards Hunk. His friend approaches cautiously. Hunk closely examines his face, prods his ribs and even sticks a finger in his mouth.

"Bro!" Lance steps away.

"I'm just making sure!" Hunk scratches his chin.

"I still say we take a biopsy." Pidge murmurs. Keith and Lance send identical scowls her way.

"Look, I was in a funk for a while, but now I've sorted some things out and feel a lot better. Because I'm no longer struggling with that, my tolerance for Keith has doubled." Lance holds his hand up in surrender.

"My tolerance has stayed the same. I'm just a professional about it." Keith rubs his helmet visor idly.

"Excuse me, but I think you're far pettier than me. We can all agree that I am the mature one."

"You carried a grudge all the way from the Garrison!"

"You did too!"

"I can't have a grudge against someone I didn't even know existed!"


"Ok, there they are." Shiro groans. They had been so close too.


Part six, yeahhhhh! That was supposed to me singing very off key by the way😜 Changed the cover by the way, in case you didn't notice

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