Part 13: Shameless Exploits

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Note: I want to say that I put this all together before season 7 came out, so no matter what happens, we'll always have our Klance fanfictions to make it right. Enjoy!


"Ooooooh, Keith's in trouble." Lance sings. He recognizes Shiro's dad voice anywhere. He laughs quietly, wondering if Shiro will finally have a word with him about his need to always dive head first into danger. Or maybe he'll reprimand him for not following Lance's lead on one of the attacks today. Either would be good.

"Man I hate it when Shiro pulls me aside. You feel like you've disappointed your grandmother or something." Pidge finishes changing into her civvies. She wipes her glasses and begins to wander off. Hunk is still zipping up his pants. Lance waits patiently for him.

"I'm gonna shower. Save me a plate." Pidge calls.

"Will do." Lance answers.

There's a comfortable silence between him and Hunk. He leans back on the wall and gently closes his eyes, listening as Hunk finishes pulling his boot on.

"Hey, you wanna..."

"What the HELL was that?!" Hunk is in his face. He uses his size to completely crowd Lance against the wall.

"What was me....what?!" Lance balks.

"Your crush on Keith is getting crazy, bro! I've never been able to feel it in Voltron before. Control yourself, man!"

Lance remembers. Oh god, it had been bad. He slumps forward against Hunk with a loud groan.

"Oh my god, was it really that bad? You could tell it was me?"

"Dude, for a couple of seconds I thought I had a crush on Keith, that's how strong it was." Hunk picks Lance's limp body up and looks into his eyes. Lance completely gives up supporting himself.

"Oh noooooooo," He wails. "Shit. Really?"

"Oh yeah. And as a straight guy? It was very confusing. Please do not do that to me again." Hunk smiles, but there's a genuine warning to his voice. Lance rubs his face.

"Fuuuuuck. Oh god, do you think he felt it? Do you think he knows?"

"Pffft, no. Keith's an idiot."

"A beautiful idiot."

"Stop that!"

"I can't!" Lance crumbles to sit cross-legged on the floor. "I'm fucked! I'm so fucked!"

"So stop sleeping with him!" Hunk offers. "Stop it! It's like going to bed with a huge plate of nachos every night! Eventually, you're gonna take a bite!"

"I can't! I can't stop! It's terrible. Please put on my tombstone 'Here lies Lance. He had no self-control and overdosed on spooning.'" He flails his limbs.

"Well you gotta do something! If I get back into Voltron and start to feel sexually frustrated....?!" Hunk holds up his hands and shakes his head in terror. "I'm done! Me and my leggy-ass self are OUT!"

Lance slumps forward. Hunk had a point. God, what if next time they were doing drills he thought about Keith? How his hair looks falling over his face? How he smiles first thing in the morning when he's woken up with tea? How his soft, warm hands might feel when wrapped around his...

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT NOW!" Hunk points dramatically. Lance blushes up to his ears.



Lance wails. He hates how transparent he is. He hates how Keith has consumed every part of him.

"You, my friend, are a ticking time bomb." Hunk leans over and prods him in the chest with an index finger.

"Pidge is a child and I will not expose her to your brain."

"I have a problem," Lance admits.

"You have a problem." Hunk sighs.



Only two or so more chapters left, I'm sad to see it end. We had a good, cuddly Klance filled run *single tear* Sniff

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