Part 11: Outspoken Revelations

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It's late and a rare night where they are actually given free time to themselves. Lance and Keith are hanging out in Lance's bedroom, in various states of undress, teeth brushed but not quite ready to call it a night. Lance sits on the bed oiling and reassembling parts of his Bayard rifle, and Keith does the same from the chair in the corner. They idly chat about their training, what strange thing they ate for dinner, and other mundane things.

"So Hunk won't blab to everyone else?" Lance asks. He snaps his Bayard back to its resting position.

"Not really. He seemed to understand." Keith shrugs. He scratches at a small bit of dirt on his blade.

"Yeah, I tried to talk to him about it but we were never alone today. I felt like he was making fun of me all throughout our drills."

"He probably was. It's not every day you catch your best friend spooning the guy he's supposed to hate." Keith smirks. He snaps his Bayard away and begins to pull off his gloves.

"Oh god, the things he must have thought." A rush of embarrassment floods through Lance once more. He flops his head into his hands.

"My soul honestly left my body when he walked in."

Keith chuckles at the memory. In hindsight, it is pretty funny.

He begins to pull off his pants and shirt. Lance scoots over on the bed to let him climb in, but Keith instead sits back on the chair. The atmosphere in the room shifts. Lance leans forward anxiously.

"Hey, you uh..."

"So you're bisexual?" Keith blurts out. Eloquent as always. Lance blusters.

"Um yeah? Yes?" He looks taken aback. Where the hell was all this coming from?

"Sorry, sorry... Hunk just mentioned..." Keith rubs the back of his neck. This is none of his business. He shouldn't pry like this.

But a question still burns at the back of his mind, despite all of his rational thoughts.

Why didn't he tell me?

"Well yeah." Lance breathes. He pauses for a beat. "Wait, you didn't know?"

Keith bites his lip and shakes his head.

"I thought everyone knew!" Lance throws his hands up. "I thought it was obvious."

"W...well it's not." Keith stands for no particular reason, but he's having a hard time keeping still. "These things aren't that simple."

Lance scoffs.

"I think they are." He leans forward and smiles knowingly. "People are pretty easy to figure out."

"Are they?" Keith juts out his hip and crosses his arms. "You didn't even know Pidge was a girl?!"

"Didn't need to. I already figured out what she was in to."

"Which is?"

"Science." Lance shrugs like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Keith throws his arms up in exasperation.

"I know you're gay."

There's a stale silence. Lance drops his gaze, worrying he's gone too far. Keith stares at him with his mouth slightly agape. He snaps it shut. He sighs and sinks onto the mattress next to him.

"Looks like you are better than me at something." He smirks. Lance elbows him in the ribs.

"I said it was obvious." Lance chuckles.

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