Chapter 6

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The coffee break passed by quickly and we got well acquainted, I felt as if I'd already known him for years.

Paul didn't talk much of being a Beatle which I understood fully, I'm sure he became tired quite often of having to always be part of the Beatles, and wanted to be known as himself sometimes and get away from the image he was supposed to upkeep.

From what I gathered, he absolutely loved the arts, whether it was going to watch a play or going to the symphony to watch composers, he loved being around music even when he didn't have to be.

I learned about his father Jim and brother Mike who also shared a love for music like Paul, and that Paul's father had passed down his musical abilities to him from being in a jazz band of his own back in the day.

Paul touched briefly on the fact that his mother had passed when he was fourteen years old, I could tell it was a sensitive topic for him so I didn't ask much further into the subject.

He asked about my family and I told him I'd grown up an only child to my stay at home mother Helen and my ex-military father Robert who now worked as a electrician.

I hadn't had much to tell him about my childhood other than that I'd grown up with strict rules against a long list of things and that the reason I'd moved out from my house was because I had the choice of either finding a man to move in with or moving out on my own once I turned twenty one.

I glanced over to the clock on the wall and realized we'd already spent two hours just sitting and getting to know each other.

"Paul, shouldn't you have been back to the studio, an hour ago?" I asked remembering when he'd told me how long his break was earlier on in our conversation.

"Would you look at that." Paul spoke surprisingly calm as he squinted down to his wrist watch.

"They'll be alright without me there today, I can record my bits tomorrow." He shrugged nonchalantly seeming to be unbothered by it.

"Are you sure?" I inquired wide eyed, feeling my cheeks draining of colour.

The last thing I wanted to do was make his other band mates angry with him, yet a big part of me didn't want him to go just yet.

"Yeah, I'm really enjoying myself." He grinned brightly, picking his coffee up and bringing it to his lips to take a sip.

I smiled looking down at the table, away from his deep chocolate brown eyes that gleamed with joy, fearing I'd become lost in them too easily.

"D'you want to get out of here?" He smiled speaking suddenly, catching me off guard.

"Sure." I grinned looking back up at him, my heart fluttering.

He reached into his pocket grabbing more than enough money to cover our orders and stood up. As I stood up with him he looked down at me with admiration in his features.

"Thank you for that, I can pay you back-" I began shyly feeling guilty.

"Oh no need love, this is a thank you." He spoke with a gentle voice nodding reassuringly.

I blushed as he motioned for me to go first like a true gentlemen, causing me to grin uncontrollably.

We walked out of the café and began walking down the street the way we came from.

"It's a tad far so we need to take the car there." He informed me taking out his car keys from his pocket.

I nodded, my heart rate picking up as I thought about

The warm August day was accompanied with a blue sky and a bright sun without a single cloud in sight. As we walked I felt a small breeze pushing past the two of us gently blowing the hair away from my face.

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