Chapter 16

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Paul and I agreed to go out to lunch with his band mates under my condition that nothing could happen between us in a romantic sense until he was ready to tell Jane about what had happened. Paul was seemed opposed, trying to sneak kisses multiple times as we walked to his car.

"I hope you know you're killing me here Charlie." He glanced over at me teasingly as he began to drive.

I shrugged with a smile.

"Just one kiss?" He pleaded.

"I'm not doing anything of the sort until you're a single man." I told him firmly, crossing my arms trying not to grin.

"Alright." He huffed moping, knowing I was right and that I wasn't changing my mind about it any time soon.

It was silent for a moment before Paul began to quietly hum a quiet tune that I hadn't known. I didn't speak up to ask, only listened to the soft sounding tune with a smile, watching out the window at the neighbourhoods we passed.

"If you want me to, I will," I heard him murmur softly among the humming. He seemed completely engulfed in the tune, focusing on how it should go.

He began to whistle the rest, until we pulled up to the pub we were meeting them at.

"Catchy tune that." I smiled at him as his whistling subsided.

He simply smiled in return, shaking his head shyly.

We both exited the car, Paul opening the door to the pub for me with a funny grin.

"Always the charmer McCartney." I smirked.

"Kiss me and find out." He teased puckering his lips.

"Ha." I responded flatly suppressing a grin.

Paul lead me to the table where John, George and Ringo sat with a girl under each of their arms.

"W-Paul." I stopped suddenly seeing them and feeling small.

"Yes love?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You didn't tell me they all have their wives with them." I pursed my lips looking over feeling my stomach doing backflips.

"I didn't think it was a big deal. I just want to introduce you to everyone." He smiled proudly.

I smiled back up at him feeling immediately better, no longer having the fear that he was embarrassed of me or that he'd wanted to keep our relationship a secret.

We continued to walk to the table and Paul greeted all of them, sitting on one of the chairs and motioning for me to do the same.

"This is Charlie. Charlie, this is John's wife Cynthia, Ringo's wife Maureen and George's wife Pattie." He motioned to each of them. I nodded wide eyed noticing that George's wife was a model I'd once seen in one of my magazines. I swallowed hard, I had no idea what qualified me to sit at this table.

"Where's Jane?" Pattie asked playing innocent.

Maureen elbowed her in the side.

I looked down at my lap shamefully.

"I'm just joking." Pattie laughed sounding insincere.

I saw from the corner of my eye Cynthia staring at me like she was trying to read a book.

"It's nice to see you again Charlie." Maureen smiled warmly.

I smiled and nodded back at her, although still feeling uneasy about the disapproving looks I was receiving from Pattie and Cynthia.

George was smiling as he looked between Paul and I.

"So you two are together then?" A smirk found its way on George's lips.

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