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The breeze is cool, the leaves of the tall trees rustling around me. The darkness is from the night sky is broken up by the scattered stars, my knees resting on the grass next to one of the large tree trunks. That same light breeze, it picks up stray strands of my hair, casting them over my shoulders. It's no longer the mousey-brown I'd dyed it...or, had I really dyed it at all...

...considering I'm no longer in the pocket universe mom and dad created for Edith and I.

I remember...


I feel my strength...my magic...

"Little sparrow?"

I inhale sharply, lifting my chin. Tears form in my eyes as I push off the ground, leaping into his arms as I exhale, "Grandpa!"

Grandpa holds me in his tight embrace, snuggling me close as he breathes out a sigh of relief, "Oh, Dot."

Excitement fills the center of my chest, because if Grandpa is here...

"We have to get mom, dads...we left Edith though...I-"

"Dot, they're not here," Grandpa shakes his head as I slowly slip out of his arms. I take a few steps back, glancing around the forest as he informs me, "Only one of your dads is in this time, and he's very young. Edith will be safe, but the pocket universe was struggling to contain you...the time to-"

"Wait, wait, wait," I shake my head and furrow my brows, "we're in the past...in our world?"

Grandpa nods and continues with, "It's the night before I arrive for the winter solstice at Aohdan's."

"Why did we not return to the correct time?" I frantically ask, walking around back and forth in front of him as I try to understand everything.


...he knew Rose and I'm sure she'd told her story about our history. He wrote everything...a way for me to be more familiar with this time.

"Dot," Grandpa reaches out, grasping my shoulders while bringing my focus back to him, "Aeon," he looks me straight in the eye, "we were unprepared for him, for the extent of his power beyond our recognition. A sleeping god that had its subconscious awoken a long time ago...only to later wake completely. Aeon is the reason why...our future, it's within an orb containing the lives of a few. That orb, it's being sustained by your mother and father, but it's not living, we are merely existing while the rest of the world is destroyed."


"Your mother designed the pocket universe for Edith and you, as a way to protect you both should anything jeopardize your lives," he pauses before he rubs his forehead, "she never left anything up to chance, your father writing our history into books that would one day work themselves into your hands." There's silence that grows between us, Grandpa finishing with, "We have a chance to alter fate...right the wrongs that are within our abilities, though keeping true to not change the future in a way that will ruin it."

What can we do to possibly stop an incomprehensible god?

Eyeing Grandpa, I ask him, "Will it not matter what is altered if Aeon still awakens?"

"No...at least, I don't know what can be done, if anything, to prevent Aeon's awakening," Grandpa admits the truth, wanting to tempt fate for a better future...but what if the course of events still lead to our current future?

"Then why bother altering the past?" I release a frustrated sigh.

Grandpa is calm as he tells me, "Everything has a purpose...and we are armed with the knowledge of the future."

Tempted Fate |18+ (Ménage)✔Where stories live. Discover now