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Whatever anyone else might presume about Grandpa allowing me to stay in his room the previous night...

...I really don't care.

I needed my Grandpa because I felt like I'd suddenly become lost in a security within this world. I didn't think I'd be able to get pregnant and it was a one-time thing with Keith. I wanted to have fun...that's all...

Grandpa cuddled with me, falling asleep and waking up feeling in a better mindset. Perhaps Grandpa is right...I mean, werewolf pregnancy are shorter than humans' but, at the same time, mom was only pregnant two months with Edith and I before she gave birth so if I do have this baby, it'll be once I return with Grandpa.

I'll count myself lucky if I don't show for another week and if I can allow myself to use more of my magic, I can glamour much more than my eyes and hair. Maybe he's right...Uncle Kev very well might want to raise the baby.

Who knows?

The world's already gone to Hell once...

...how bad can it be this time around?

"Just promise you aren't going to rape her again..." my voice drawls out as Grandpa is readying to leave his room, knowing Rose is going to be 'trained' today, "...I might hate her with a burning passion, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst of enemies."

Grandpa shakes his head and replies, "That only happened because I slipped and told Kev about Tresor on accident," he pauses a moment and rubs his chin, "if anything, it's going better already with the knowledge we have. I'm going to train her in my way, but I'd never do anything like..." now he's embarrassed, his cheeks flushing a moment, "...I forgot you've read everything."

"Well...yeah, I still think it's kinda weird and creepy how you an-"

"That's enough," Grandpa shakes his head and nearly claps his hands over my mouth, a giggle being suppressed in light of recent events. After he clears his throat, he tells me, "I want you to go and eat, take care of yourself and if anyone asks, you're job has already been given to you."

"Annnnd...what job is that, exactly?" I arch a brow.

Grandpa smirks, "Well, Aohdan presumed you were a breeding slave, so perhaps I'll just tell him I didn't know you came with baggage and that you're officially one now."

"Gee...thanks!" I retort while rolling my eyes.

"Take it or leave it, little sparrow," he arches a brow.

Throwing my arms up into the air, I growl, "Okay, fine!"

"Now, you go get something to eat and I'll see you in a bit, I'm going to speak with Aohdan first," Grandpa reassures me, wrapping me into a warm hug before kissing my forehead. A light smile spreads on my lips and I nod at him.

The second I walk outside into the hall, closing the door to Grandpa's room behind me, I immediately freeze. Rose is standing with her back against the wall, an annoyed look set on her face.

Her eyes lift to meet with mine...her stare is haunting, her voice sarcastic as she asks, "A love slave I suppose?"

"No, I'm a breeder," I inform her of what Grandpa and I are sticking to.

Rose's eyes flash with arrogance and she sighs, shaking her head, "So, human males get to fuck you and your only role is to create more useful tools for the vampires to use?"

She's trying to get under my skin, just like others that she meets. I won't let her get much further, rolling my shoulders back while stating, "Either way, some tools are more useful than others...others...they aren't the shiniest and break easier than others."

Tempted Fate |18+ (Ménage)✔Where stories live. Discover now