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"I'm sorry," I apologize as Tresor walks with me, stepping on the stone ground as we make our way toward the city of Akregale.

Tresor remains quiet for a moment, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye when he says, "It is only because of you that I am aware..."

"Lars?" I ask, uneasiness edging.

Before we enter the city, Tresor halts his movements and turns to me. His eyes search mine, my brows furrowing as I'm not quite sure what it is, he's looking for. When he parts his lips to speak, he tells me, "When I gave you a part of my soul...it touched yours for that brief flicker, allowing fragmented memories to surface and flood me. In a single second, I observe more than blood memories ever can, flashes of light down to the most insignificant memory is accessible."

I didn't know his species was capable of this...I know a mutual share; a tie back would allow for this. I just never imagined him able to access memories beyond what a vampire can see through blood.

"It was not my intention to take when I gave, it is just a part of what happens," Tresor attempts to ease my confusion, more curious now as he finishes, "though I am glad I did see those moments and conversations between your mother and you. What you've informed me yourself and now piecing everything together...I'll remain vigilant."

Breathing out slowly, I add my thoughts, reminding him, "Please remember, he has done nothing and deserves to be treated fairly...you don't want to cause separate problems by having those resent you for your actions."

"Clever as always," Tresor releases a sigh, one that lifts the tension and stress I see he shoulders, "perhaps I was stepping too far to prevent the future you know."

I can't help but giggle, "Yes. Remember, he was only in a position of power due to your untimely...absence."

Tresor might be like Grandpa, but it is these moments that reflect his nature to shift and change with the flow of time and knowledge. He understands and once a flaw has been noted, he checks himself and grows from it.

"I guess there is no time like the present to officially introduce Nimue and Lars to you in this era," Tresor nods in the direction of Akregale. He then asks with slight confusion, "Not that I'm not happy to see you...but what exactly are you doing beyond the veil so close to the winter solstice and the events to come? Aren't you supposed to be near Castle Valentine?"

Nodding, I reply, "You are correct...I'm not here just to say hi..." as my voice trails off, I see many casting me multiple stares while I walk alongside Tresor. We reach the obsidian steps leading up to the, taking them with eyes still lingering on my back, though my gaze remains transfixed on that of Nimue standing next to another...

...that must be Lars.

Though I've never seen him, his eyes hold a familiarity which I find in Tresor's.

"She's yours, isn't she?" He immediately asks.

Nimue nudges him slightly and states, "Lars...come on, be nice."

"How can I when our King has bound himself to someone of the earthen plane?" Lars snaps yet lowers his voice a second later and recomposes himself. He breathes out calmly and continues, "She can't give you part of her, so you'll never be able to cross the veil should your beacon fade and the veil remain intact."

"With all due respect," I part my lips and speak, Tresor shifting his stance and glancing at me, "the veil will never come down in the way you believe and want it to, eliminating the physical manifestation that constitutes as a separation between our worlds. However," I pause, noticing the uneasiness that spreads, though Tresor holds high regard for me as I state, "there will always be a veil, keeping those out who live on the earthen plane from crossing over as this is not a place between hell and life that they can reside...though you'll be able to come and go as you please...in time, everything will fall into place."

Tempted Fate |18+ (Ménage)✔Where stories live. Discover now