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"You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing."
--E.B. White, Charlotte's Web


Our date starts with a lovely dinner. Perfect considering portions are generally small at diners and I can't even eat a whole waffle at once without having stomach pains the size of Russia. 

Our whole meal is generally just one of senseless chatter and belly laughs. There are times both of us will pick at our food, but it's mostly talking. 

My salad, though light, is hard to eat. It's healthy, I know, but it's hard. Have you ever had to go from not eating anything at all for months to trying to finish your plate? You'd know if you had. Even my sweet tea is hard to drink. The thought of all the calories--which, might I add, were labeled next to the order, coming in at 170 calories--flowing into my system is one that could very well give me nightmares for the time coming.

But it's okay because every problem seems to drift away when I look at Jimin smiling brightly at me.

I finish maybe a half of my salad before I get a container to bring the rest home. I put my Styrofoam container into a plastic bag the establishment offers and swing it in my hand as we start to make the trek around the city.

I look down toward my feet for my first few steps, making sure I won't trip over anything before looking ahead of me at the city's lights. I smile to myself as I see the lights of the buildings flickering before me.

The businesses have lights on in random rooms for the different floors, one able to go off just for another to go on. The small homey shops with their flickering signs, maybe one or two letters missing from a bulb going out. The street vendors packing up and starting to leave the once extremely busy street. I see families and couples walking home or to the shops after a long day. The sun starts to set and the sky looks absolutely beautiful.

The mix of orange, pink, and a purplish blue surrounding me making me happy on many levels. The clouds make the colors swirl in the most perfect way possible and sun shines as a brilliant red. I don't realize how long I've been staring at the setting sun, but apparently for enough time for it to cause all the street vendors to have cleared out completely. 

I look over to my left, embarrassment making its way across my face, and see Jimin staring at me with such a sweet smile. It makes my heart melt, the way he's looking at me. His mouth is turned in a half smile and his eyes are shining with care. 

I give him a shy smile before a store catches my eye. My eyes widen and I instinctively grab his hand, pulling him over to the shop window where I see the most delicious looking chocolate. I look up at the sign where the name says "Coco Bruni." I start to pat down my pockets, looking for my phone. 

I quickly pull it out, pressing my number one speed dial: Alex.


"Alex!" I almost shout into the phone.

"Aish, that hurts my ears. What do you need?" I can almost hear her pouting through the phone and I smile as I turn back to face the chocolate shop.

"Did I leave my wallet at home today?"

"Probably. You almost always do." I sigh, a defeated look crossing my once cheery face.

"Okay, thank you," I say before hanging up the phone. I drop my head, shoving my phone back into my pocket.

I lift my head only long enough to glance longingly at an espresso chocolate truffle, the coffee behind the counter also looking heavenly at this time of night. I mumble a "let's go" to Jimin before dragging him away down the street. He pulls me toward a little gift shop after we pass a couple stores and I look up at him in question.

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