Part 3: For Me or For You?

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(For Me or For You?)

Avalon's P.O.V

I sit up in my bed, unable to sleep with all these thoughts running around in my head.

My hands find their way to my hair and I mess with my curls, they're messy now that I've been sleeping on them.

I hear a buzz and I frown at my phone that's laying abandoned on my bed side table.

Picking it up I see its a text message from Ryder.

Ryder: Hey bby girl I need a place to stay 4 the night.
Sent: 12: 06 a.m.

I ignore the text and pull the covers over myself, attempting to catch more sleep.

My phone dings twice more.

I just want sleep.

Running my hands down my face I open the messages.

Ryder: bby. I know ur there.
Sent: 12: 06a.m.

Ryder: im standing at the door and I will wake up ur mom
Sent: 12: 07a.m.

The last message is a bit of a wake up call and I'm up instantly.

I quickly run down the stairs and open the door, only to see no one there.

This jerk.

"Hey baby, don't get your panties in a twist, I'm right here" I turn and see Ryder standing at the side of the house, out of view.


I reluctantly let him in and he walks into my room as if he owns the place.

Once we're in my room I close the door, not wanting my mom to walk by and question why a random boy is in my room.

Yeah she doesn't know about Ryder.

But it's not like she's awake, it is really early.

I turn around and Ryder is laying on my bed while watching me intensely, his gaze making me squirm.

He chuckles darkly "I don't bite.... " He pats the side of the bed and I frown, knowing I can't disobey him.

He smirks and starts playing with my curls, wrapping them around his fingers.

Without any notice he violently turns me around and kisses me, roughly and painfully as he grips my face.

I shove him away and wipe my mouth in disgust.

"Ryder, I can taste the alcohol on you. Go home" My voice wavers slightly and he stands up, standing in front of me.

"No can do.... " He pushes me back onto the bed and pins my hands over my head.

I squirm out of his grip again and back into the corner of my bed, frantically trying to get away from him.

"Leave me alone Ryder. " I demand while scowling at him.

He looks at me for a moment.

"Fucking skank.... "

He scoffs and walks to my door, leaving without further word.

He's horrible like that, and I hate it.

As I close my eyes that night I feel the sadness in my chest slowly expanding.

~ ~ ~

It's Friday.

I love Fridays, most of the time I get to escape from Ryder when the weekend comes.

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