Part 12: Pepper Spray

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(Pepper Spray)

Avalon's P.O.V

That night, I slept at the apartment, acquainted by none other than a phone in case of emergencies.

But in the morning Stephen was waiting at the front door, a bright grin spread across his face.

I gave him a quizzical look, unsure as to what he was doing here.

"Sup AJ, I'm your bodyguard while Xavier's..... Occupied" He clears his throat and holds out his arm.

"Oh, it's fine" I look at his arm, wondering why he's holding it out.

"Don't leave me hanging bro, link arms with me" He frowns and I roll my eyes, unwillingly linking arms with him.

"I digress, yes, I will be your bodyguard, and yes. You're welcome" He bows with one arm.

"Whatever" I sigh, not wanting to argue with a friend.

~ ~ ~ ~

I rush into school with Stephen by my side, and I'm instantly tackled into a hug by Tracey.

Zahbia smiles at me and then at Stephen while standing back at a distance.

"Why'd you sit with asshat senior yesterday?? " Tracey pulls away and holds me at arms length, squinting.

Before I have the chance to answer, Stephen gasps and spins me around while shaking me lightly "are you crazy??? "

I pry his fingers off of my shoulders so he'll stop and take a deep breath.

"I'm not crazy, I have my reasons" Crossing my arms, I start walking to my locker.

They start trailing behind, spouting out complaints.

"Hey babe" I hear Ryder's voice call from the other side of the hallway, making me turn and walk the other way.

The three turn around as well, bumping into each other and swarming after me.

"This is intense" I give them a perplexed look and rub my temples.

I take a sharp turn and hide behind a group of students, watching from the barrier of kids as Stephen, Tracey, and Zahbia look around frantically.

"DAMN IT AJ XAVIER'S GONNA KILL ME" Stephen yells out while whining and walking away with the two girls.

I smirk, proud if my achievement and turn around, only to bump into someone whom was standing too close.

"My bad" I grumble and try to move but they extend an arm, pinning me against the locker in a way.

"Hey!  What's your deal-" My anger simmers into fear as I stare up at a smug Ryder.

"Hey babe. You skipped out on me yesterday, but don't worry, you can come today" He grabs one of my curls and yanks it, causing me to yelp.

"I-i'm sorry" I look down and try to navigate some way out of here.

"We can't have that mistake happening twice... " He looks thoughtful.

"It won't! " I try to assure him, although I'm sure it will.

"How about we head over to mine now" He grabs my wrist tightly and drags me after him.

I struggle slightly but he tightens his grip making me gasp as pain shoots through my wrist.

As I'm pulled behind him out of the school, I look around in blind panic, hoping for someone to intervene.

But no one does, in fact, it's as if they don't notice what's happening.

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