Part 14: Fucking Adorable

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(Fucking Adorable)

Avalon's P.O.V

We stare at Ryder in shock.

"Okay first off. Fuck you" Ryder looks at his brother again and scowls.

"Second off, you're all little idiots if you didn't pick up on it sooner"

I furrow my eyebrows and look at him in confusion, because after all, he was always chasing after me for the longest time.

"I literally kissed a boy in front of you!  I wouldn't be surprised if I'd banged him and you would all still think that I'm as straight as Stephen."

Stephen winks at me and starts flexing his arm muscles as if to prove a point.

"I'm actually bi so use your small brains and try to figure that out at least. "

Everyone awkwardly stands there and fidgets not knowing what to say.

I mean, this is my abuser! I'm not about to walk up to him and congratulate him.

"Well this is awkward" Stephen says in a singsong voice, reading my mind.

"Agreed." Xavier sighs and scratches the back of his head.

Music finally breaks the silence and we all stare at Stephen who purses his lips and looks at his phone.

Beyonce fills the room as we watch Stephen push answer.

"Hey dad. " He awkwardly clears his throat.

"What? We just went to her house! "

"What's she making for dinner?"

"..... If it's chili I'm going to fucking kill someone."

We watch as Stephen frowns and hangs up.

"Dude, what the hell" Xavier raises an eyebrow at him, walking over.

"Gotta head to my grandma's, tell Tracey that I say hi when you see her" Stephen winks and heads out of the restaurant, mumbling about his hate for chili.

"Yeah we'd better head out too" Xavier wraps his arm around my waist in a sort of protective friend way and pulls me out despite my protests.

Noah and Ryder quarrel in the restaurant like siblings do, and it eventually fades out as Xavier pulls me into the apartment.

"What a sexy beast" Xavier catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror and winks.

"You've gone crazy. Back to the hospital" I frown.

"No, I like it here" Sitting on the couch, he turns on the TV and closes his eyes in peace.

"Whatever" I place my paper on the counter and sit by him on the couch.

The silence is nice after a long day of obnoxious kids that I call my peers.

"Goldi" Xavier pokes me and I raise  an eyebrow.

He's one of the more obnoxious ones.

"What? " I glance over at the TV for a split second, watching a unrealistic acne commercial come on.

"You never pay attention to me" He groans.

"Hush child the shows back on" I say jokingly at him.

Before I know it I'm pinned to the couch and Xavier's on top of me, scrutinizing me.

"What the heck dude" I frown at him as my face heats up in embarrassment.

"Fucking adorable" He frowns and I roll my eyes, wondering where he has a mirror this time.

"Okay Mr. Narcissistic, get off" I make a weak attempt to get him off of me.

"I was talking about you, but I guess I am pretty adorable" He fawns over himself for a moment.

"What? " I squint and he brushes my hair back a little.

"Well Goldi, you're honestly to fucking amazing for me not to be slightly attracted to you" He leans in slightly and I squeal in shock, shoving him off of me and the couch.

I gasp and lean over the edge at his figure sprawled across the floor.

"I'm so sorry! " I cringe at how rude that was.

"Damn Goldi, you're pretty strong" He rubs his back and scrunches his nose up.

"I'm gonna go make dinner" I cough out and speed walk to the kitchen.

I breath in and out for a few seconds and start looking through the fridge.

"I'm coming in so please don't stab me or something on accident" I hear Xavier call out.

I chuckle lightly and grab the hotdogs.

I watch from the corner of my eye as Xavier trips and falls on the floor face first.

He doesn't make a move to get up so I don't try to help him.

I pull out the condiments and places everything on the counter, ignoring his pained figure on the floor again.

Xavier gets up and steals a hotdog from the package, eating it uncooked.

"Sinner! " I gasp swatting it out of his hands and watch as it flys to the floor.

"My weeny! " He calls out in sadness and glares at me.

"Disgusting." Scowling at him, I put the hotdogs on a plate.

"Goldi.... You never let me finish earlier" He sighs and pulls me back towards him as I frantically put down the hotdogs in fear of dropping them.

"Well there's was nothing to finish" My face heats up again as he stares down at me.

"That's not true" He brushes my hair out of my face and leans in slightly.

I'm shocked but don't stop him, though he hesitates as if to ask.

Then it happens.

He kisses me.


Ugh, someone please fucking kill me.

I'm sorry I never update, everything's gotten so intense that I'm getting home at 7pm instead of 3: 30

And this chapter was short.

But I'll make a longer one tomorrow.

I'm dead inside.

Hope you enjoyed~QBW🍉

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