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When morning came, Willow opened her eyes and slowly looked around before moving. Running a hand through her tangled hair, she picked up some clean clothes before shuffling towards the bathroom. Taking a quick shower helped her to clear her head of sleep. Not to mention the dried rain from the previous day which had made her skin feel so dry and her hair so knotted.

Walking out of the bathroom in a baggy red and black checked shirt and grey jeans, Willow looked around. She was on her own again, she could just tell. Jonathan had this aura that no matter where he was, she'd be able to feel he was close by. Right now there was nothing. Throwing her dirty clothes in the washing bin, Willow walked all through the apartment just making sure she was on her own. Seeing a note on the fridge, Willow shuffled over to it and plucked it out from underneath the magnet.

Admiring Jonathan's neat handwriting for a moment, Willow read over his words. "A job? He found a job that quickly?!" She exclaimed, looking up at the ceiling she pouted. She hadn't exactly been out to job hunt had she? Lowering her eyes back to the paper she read over the rest of it. "Arkham Asylum? What a creepy name for a creepy place," Willow shuddered, screwed the note up and threw it in the bin before taking to making herself some breakfast.

A part of her worried, Jonathan seemed so oddly fragile to be subjected to the lunatics which loiter in asylums. Sure, Willow knew, Jonathan wasn't totally all there, but even still. Mumbling incoherently for a moment before eating a spoonful of cereal, Willow raised an eyebrow when her phone rung.

Seeing it was Sue, Willow answered, Sue asked the usual questions any mother would ask. Are you all right? How's Gotham treating you? How's Jonathan? Found a job yet? Then the old faithful: what's the weather like? Willow laughed at the trivial questions but found she enjoyed answering them. Willow in return would ask similar questions. When the conversation had finished she cleaned up her breakfast things and walked back into the living room drying her hands.

Raising an eyebrow Willow walked over to the table and tentatively opened the notebook which was on the table. Sitting down and thumbing through she nodded slowly. Half the things written down she didn't understand. Chemical equations and similar looking jargon. Stopping in her page turning, Willow read over the paragraphs on the page. Of course, just of course Jonathan would write down the effects his toxins had on her. Rolling her eyes skywards, Willow pouted and slammed the book shut. It was a little too much to read about herself in a test subject point of view.


Jonathan returned home near seven in the evening. Leaning against the back of the sofa he watched as Willow flicked through the channels and ended up stopping and looking up at him. "Congratulations!"

"For?" Jonathan asked while moving away from the sofa. He took off his jacket and draped it over one of the chairs near the table. Tilting his head to the side he looked at his notebook which had moved positions since earlier on. Lifting his arm up and putting his briefcase on the table he turned and walked back to the sofa.

"You got a new job so quickly after you lost your other one. That's fast work," Willow smiled and looked up at him. Rolling his eyes he walked around the sofa and sat next to her. "Also," Willow jumped up and obscured the view from the television for a moment.

Turning around she side stepped and waved her arms to the screen. "You made the news, honey! Well done." Willow beamed although her tone and demeanour were heavily sarcastic. "To make it better look who's personally on the case," Willow skipped the footage and stopped. "Batman's hunting for you, Jonathan," she said quietly and walked over to his side. Kneeling down she put her hands over his. She was worried, Jonathan could clearly see that. Looking back up at the screen he smiled lightly. "No," Willow said while pinching him, pulling a face he looked at her. "This isn't good! Why are you smiling? This isn't funny!"

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