5. Knocking on your door

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"What are we doing again?"

Ibrahim Ahmad asked as he looked down at his sister, brows drawn together, perplexed.

"Shh." Dahlia put a finger over her lips and hushed. "Keep your voice down."

She was now practically sprinting across their living room, her eyes on the door at the very back of the house, tucked away in a corner.

Ibrahim clamped his mouth shut and kept following her, his longer legs making it easier for him to keep up.

"I saw Mom take the Genie inside Dad's study room," she whispered over her shoulder, beckoning at the door." I need to know what they're talking about."

The Baba Rafique was still a permanent issue in their lives. In fact, his visits were getting more often - despite the rest of the family's displeasure. Even last night, Dahlia heard Ibrahim's mother - Amira - sit down with Junaina and try to knock some sense into her. But her mother remained adamant on her blind faith.

Resentment appeared on Ibrahim's face at the mention of that man. "Mom's still meeting him?" he asked.

"Don't ask," Dahlia scoffed. "He's here everyday."

They were now near the door. Dahlia waved a hand over her shoulder to indicate Ibrahim to step forward and stand besides her.

Ibrahim's face contorted with confusion, along with a slight discomfort appearing on his face as he eyed his sister.

"What am I even doing here?" he asked. "I don't get what you want me to do." He shook his head.

"You're here as backup," Dahlia replied. "In case the situation escalades and I need help. Lily is usually the one carrying out this task. But since she's not here, we have to fill in."

He shot his sister a disapproving look. "Is that what you and Lily do all day?" he asked, aggressively whispering now since they were close enough to the door for their voice to get inside. "Design these ridiculous schemes and plots?"

"Of course not," Dahlia said dismissively. "Mom usually carries all her conversations in the living room. Her voice is pretty loud so we can listen in just fine from the kitchen," she finished, pressing her ear against the door.

Ibrahim stared at her, aghast. "What are you doing?" he cried under his breath. "You can't snoop into other people's conversation! This is haram."

Dahlia straightened and placed a hand on her hip. "I'm legit scared Mom is in there handing him the lease for our house or something. That man is as manipulative as he is cunning. We have to monitor the conversation if we care the least bit about this family's safety!"

"Fine!" Ibrahim admitted defeat, quite reluctantly.

"Besides, I don't snoop in their conversations for fun," she said defensively. "I'm not crazy." Dahlia pressed her cheek against the door again.

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