Chapter Two

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Isabella dragged the last of her suitcases into the bedroom Liam had specifically decorated for her. She was grateful for the man's consideration to make her comfortable but she knew she wasn't going to stay there for long. Soon she was going to start an internship program for new university graduands that was supposed to ease their transition into the employment world. It was a six months period where companies picked out gradaunds and polished their skills to see they can be assimilated into their payroll at the end. Isabella chose one of the local companies. Well, she decided that without telling Liam. She knew that he would want her to do the program in one of his companies but she didn't want to knock into Michelle Griffin, the Mayor's granddaughter, every morning. And that wasn't the only reason. If she was going to live with the man, she didn't want to see him the whole day. She needed a break from him or she was going to go insane with being attracted to him!

She slumped onto the bed and went through the business cards she received from the five companies that were interested in her as an intern. She grinned with excitement as she fished out the ones that had great looking men. But these men weren't even a third of what Liam was. When they stood beside Liam, they'd look as plain as white bread next to a fruit cake with icing.

 "Alexander Maguire." She read out the name aloud and reached for her cell phone. She remembered this man gave a very comforting and assuring smile.

"Do you need assistance in unpacking, Miss?" Stella, the housekeeper, came into her room after a short knock. She was old enough to be her mother and she was very kind and charming.

"No, I'll do it myself, thank you." Isabella assured the woman then lowered her voice. "Can you do me a favor? When Christy comes over, please tell her I've gone out. I'm very tired and I need some rest before lunch."

Stella smiled and nodded. "Sure thing, dear."

"Thank you." Isabella smiled warmly at the woman. When she left, Isabella turned to her cell and made an appointment with Alexander Maguire. Unfortunately the man was out of town but they told her to go for an interview that Friday.

Well, at least that was the beginning of her bright future, she thought turning to the large HDTV in front of her. Since her parents died, Isabella never saw a dime of her father's fortune and knew automatically that Liam must have bought his dead partner out. She didn't really care but she was ready to work hard to earn a living. She switched it on and went through over a hundred channels. Nothing was of interest and she didn't have a close friend to call over. All of the friends she thought she had turned their backs on her when they heard that Michelle Griffin secured an internship position with Liam Vergil and started following her around like stray puppies. That's when Isabella knew even her social status was determined by Liam. At times she hated knowing him at all. At times she just wanted to pass a day without having that man haunt her. It was impossible to escape him. With a groan, Isabella fell back on the soft bed and sighed.

Your crush on Liam is over. She told herself. She wasn't a child anymore. It was about time she got herself a serious boyfriend. She needed someone to keep her mind off Liam. That way she'll get off his hair and let him continue with his bad boy reputation while she settled down with someone serious and loving. Yep, that was what she was going to do.

The week flew and finally Christy fought her way into the penthouse to seek out Isabella. It was not that Isabella hated the woman's company but that she was very nosy and wanted to know everything that was happening in Isabella's life. At times Isabella lied to keep the woman at bay. Sometimes Christy felt like a real friend, then there were the times when she read out the activities Liam made her do with her during his absence which included shopping for new clothes, new shoes, new everything.

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