Chapter Eleven

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Isabella missed Lilith's brunch but she sent her an apology in a form of the best fish-combo dish she ever had. As soon as Lilith received the parcel, she sent Isabella a message with a smiling face and assured her that she was alright with it.

“By the way, Liam Vergil came over searching for you. Is everything okay?” A new text message entered Isabella's phone and almost stopped her heart.

She quickly messaged back. “It's alright, I have already talked to him.”

“Oh good. Have a great afternoon. ;-)” Lilith finished off.

Isabella placed her phone on the bedside table and sighed. By now Liam must have received the news that she moved out. The first person he was going to contact was definitely Christoph and she was probably going to expect him at her doorstep any time soon. She didn't know what she was going to tell him but she surely wasn't going back.

She had a dinner date to prepare for anyway. Stefan was supposed to come pick her up at seven. She was surprised when he asked her out. She expected him to have noticed the chemistry between her Liam but she felt glad that he did ask her out. He had her thinking about other things besides Liam; like what she was going to wear that evening.

She frowned softly as she opened her newly packed wardrobe. She had some really good new items from the last shopping spree she went with Christy. Most of the things she got were to entice Liam but with him out of the picture for the time being, she had no choise but to wear one for Stefan. She felt it was a little unfaithful considering they were mostly to Liam's taste. She saw how his previous girlfriends wore and though Isabella wasn't the person to follow a crowd, she wanted to get Liam to notice the woman she had become.

You are not cheating on Liam! You were never his girlfriend to begin with! That small nagging voice exclaimed in her head.

Isabella pursed her lips as she went through the beautiful dresses. They were bold and perfectly made for her body. Could she really try and entice another man with them? Could she never give Liam another chance?

Of course that could never happen! Not when Liam had filled up every single corner of her heart. She was going out with Stefan to clear her head and have a good time with him. Finally, she settled for a beautiful scooped neckline royal blue dress that reached just above her knees and some killer heels Christy selected for her. Christy was a true fahionista and Isabella had to give her credit on her taste in the good stuff.

She went through her jewelry and her heart sank when she discovered that most ofl the jewelry pieces she had were bought by Liam. She frowned at the little red velvet bag that she hadn't opened since the day she finished her exams. She shook the contents onto her palm and the silver chain with the rose pedant slipped out. Her hands trembled as she touched it.

It was by far the most precious of all her jewelry. Oh, how she missed her mother. These were times when she wished she were there to advise her on the directions to take in her life. She remembered the way her mother's eyes sparkled when she shared a joke with her father. She saw the unconditional love they had for each other. She felt it buzzing in her bones. Such love wasn't given to just anyone, it was given to a soul-mate.

Was Liam her soul-mate? She couldn't even describe the kind of love she had for him. She knew he wanted her but could he love her with the same intensity? Did she really push him to want her? He never looked interested from the beginning but her constant moves on him had finally tempted a reaction towards her.

Isabella didn't need to think about these things at that time. She had a date to get ready for. Finally she was going to enjoy a quite evening without Liam causing havoc in her head. With a positive attitude, Isabella went back to getting her evening outfit and accessories ready.

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