Chapter Twelve

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I added a new photo of Liam and Isabella ~~~~~~~~~>


The moment his fingers slipped into Isabella's panties and they were greeted by her heat, Liam stiffened. Visions began to flash infront of him with memories that he wished he could forget. He saw his father forcing himself on his mother. He saw blood oozing from his mother's mouth and her tears dampening her pillows. He heard her wails as Cuthbert Cornel punched her and kicked her while he took her forcefully. 

Liam trembled against Isabella as he lost his footing and slid down to the floor. He clutched his head and tried to ward off the demons that were now plaguing his mind. They were out to play and there was nothing he could do to get rid of them.

Liam went back home that evening when Stefan drove over to pick Isabella up for the date. He waited for Cameron to tell him the moment Stefan decided to take her back. Hours flew and his anger simmered. How could she be so careless as to trust another man to protect her like the way he always had? No one knew her more than him so no one else knew how to take care of her.

Oh, he hated Stefan at that moment. Stefan figured out how Isabella put him on the edge and used it against him. His own partner used the one thing most precious than any gem in the world against him. Liam couldn't have it. Though they were partners and best friends, this time Stefan stepped over the line.

Liam entered the office in his penthouse and settled behind his large desk with a bottle of scotch in one hand and a glass in the other.

His eyes were fixed on the wall clock and he watched as the hours flew by before Cameron called him. During that time every single dirty scene played out in his head. Was Stefan seducing her? Did he already have her in his house underneath him writhing and crying for more? Did Cameron lose track of them and that's the reason he wasn't calling? Was Isabella going to enjoy her first time with another man instead of him?

Liam hurled the glass across the room and it shuttered against the wall. He gulped down the first bottle and when it was empty, he dropped the bottle onto the carpeted floor and went in search for a new one.

He had never felt so lost before. He was confused, angry, terrified and hurting. The feelings twirled inside his head like restless ghosts haunting him through the night.

“Belle....” He whispered and his voice cracked as tears blurred his vision. “My sweet, precious Belle. I'm so sorry.” He lost his footing and staggered to the floor. Tears streamed from his eyes. Liam touched them and looked down at his damp fingers as if it was the first time he saw them. “What have you done to me, Belle? What have you turned me into?”

For the first time in his entire life, Liam Vergil wept. He let out all the suffocating pain that threatened to burst in his chest and collapse his lungs. He cried out all the agony that he had bottled in for such a long time. He cried for all the times he slept lonely and cold even though there was someone beside him. He wept that he was not strong enough to help his mother, for all the times his father finished his anger on her, for all the times he let the poison consume his father and turn him into an animal. He wept for Isabella's warmth and smile. He wept for her acceptance and stubbornness, for all the times that he did her wrong but she forgave him, for all happiness she brought him. He wept because he needed her next to time for the rest of his life.

The list was long and he didn't know if all that pain inside him was even going to finish. He was numb before she entered his life. He was indestructible! He was ruthless and brutal. Isabella's purity and light seared all the shadows around his heart and made him whole again. They made him feel and he was terrified of this new experience. She popped the cap and now everything was erupting out like a volcano. He hid for a long time from his past and now, he had to deal with it thanks to her.

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