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This one shot is my version of the scene on the GIF. It will have the same dialogue, but I added some things in the end 😄

The first time they see each other after 6 months still brings tears to my fangirl eyes 😭😂

Teresa had a terrible day. She decided that going home was the best option after everything that happened on her day of work at WICKED.

She stopped on the road as many other people did to let a bus pass, and she turned her head, watching as two guards grabbed someone infected who Teresa believed was trying to hide the infection.

That sight just made her feel even worse and her thoughts travelled to the little girl who died a few minutes before. Another death caused by the Flare virus, and for sure, it wasn't going to be the last one.

Teresa felt like it was her fault. After all, it was her who in charge of her and tested on her, and the realization that the girl who she had grown close to turned so quickly made her feel devastated.

Teresa's stomach turned with the thought, and she moved her eyes to the bus that had just disappeared from sight, when her eyes laid on him.

At first, she thought it was her mind playing tricks on her.

It can't be him. She kept telling herself, blaming on the huge tiring day of work she just had. The fact that she missed him terribly, even though she knew she would never be forgiven, didn't help at all.

Another bus came, breaking her gaze from the boy she had missed so much. But Teresa was still in disbelief. Was he really there? Or was it just her mind thinking too much?

Her speculations were completely destroyed when she saw him again, turning his back on her and walking inside the building behind him.

Now Teresa was sure he was really there. She started jogging towards the boy, entering the crowded building, unfortunately losing his figure afterwards.

Her heart was beating extremely fast. What would they say to each other if they really met? Teresa knew he would never forgive her. Not after everything she did to them, but she needed to talk to him.

She looked around her in search for the boy, and she finally found him.

She immediately started running, as he turned on a corner and disappeared again.

Teresa came to a stop in a silent, lonely room. Thomas gone.

The thoughts of her being thinking too much crossed her mind again, and she looked everywhere, confused, believing she was too tired and needed to rest for sure.

Thomas wasn't there. It was something of her mind.

She was ready to go away, go home, when she felt a presence behind her, and she knew it was him.

She stopped on her tracks, suddenly scared to see the boy who probably holds so much hate for her, but she was also expectantly to see him, so she turned back slowly, looking at him in the end.

Then a thought hit her. What is he doing here inside of WICKED? They'll catch him! He can't be here.

She looked intently at him as he walked towards her, trying to figure out what his eyes showed. Probably hatred. Sadness. And something more Teresa couldnt exactly describe.

"Thomas?" Teresa called his name, breathing deeply.

"Hey, Teresa." Thomas replied, his voice neutral and without any emotion.

"You shouldn't be here." Teresa alerted, as her fear of him getting caught increased. "If Janson finds out you're here-"

"I'm not staying." Thomas cut her off, taking steps towards her.

Teresa didn't move an inch.

"I just... had to see you." He answered looking at her eyes, down at her.

Teresa just started at him.

"And ask you something." Teresa knew he would possibly ask her about the betrayal. She would hope he would understand her, but she didn't gave much hope to his words.

Whatever his question would be, she promised she would answer honestly, like she always did.

A few seconds passed with them only staring at each other's eyes.

"Do you regret it? What you did to us?" The hurtful look in Thomas' eyes just made Teresa's heart crumble, she could tell he was still hurt because of her actions. Tears started to form in her eyes as she thought about these past few months.

She did it because she thought it would be the best for everyone infected out there. She did it to at least try to make justice to her mother and the mothers and fathers out there who died and left their children alone. She did it because she utterly believed they were close to finding a Cure.

But she also regrets it. She lost her friends' trust. Her only family since she went up in the Box. She betrayed them and caused destruction when they thought were safe.

But what hurted her the most, and kept her awake mostly nights, was that she lost him. She lost the boy she cared the most in the world, and she wasn't getting him back for sure.

"Sometimes. But I did what I thought was right." She answered truthfully, as a tear fell from her cheek. "I would do it again." She said, meaning everything.

A silence filled the air, and Teresa's hopes of him talking or saying anything faded away, leaving her with tears in her eyes.

"Good." Thomas simply nodded, still looking down at her.

At that moment, Teresa finally realized he would always be mad at her. No matter what she said, no matter how many explanations she would give him, he would never forgive her.

He took a few steps closer to her, being now just a few inches from her. Teresa got slightly confused, but she stood still, their proximity was something she once got used to and missed badly now.

"Just don't tell the others I did this." Thomas whispered, leaving Teresa wondering on what he was talking about.

"Wh-" And next thing she knew, she was being taken into his arms, with Thomas holding onto her for dear life.

Teresa was shocked, her mouth opened slightly at the sudden action, but she didn't waste time and wrapped her arms around his back, her head on his shoulder.

She closed her eyes as silent tears fell from her cheeks, down to his coat. She absorbed everything she could from him. His gentle touch, his scent, his proximity. Things she needed the most at the moment, especially after the day she just had.

Thomas pulled away slowly, and Teresa opened her eyes, still shocked, to look at the boy in front of her.

He was smiling. Almost unnoticeable, but he was.

Then his face turned into a frown.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled and something was put over Teresa's head, turning her surroundings pitch black.

Hope you enjoyed it! 😊

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