Sweet Dreams

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Teresa wakes up slowly from her deep slumber, opening her eyes when she feels a small hand shaking her shoulder softly, calling her on a low voice.

She opens her eyes, squinting in the darkness so that they can focus on the little girl standing right in front of her.

"What happened, sweetie?" Teresa whispers, propping herself on her left shoulder so she can see her clearly. "Did you have a nightmare?"

Maggie nods, sniffling as small tears fall from her beautiful honey eyes.

Teresa smiles reassuringly, moving a bit, giving permission for her five year old daughter to climb on their bed.

When Maggie is comfortably laying between Teresa and Thomas, who's still peacefully sleeping, Teresa gives Maggie a sweet kiss on the cheek, receiving a small but honest smile as response.

"Mommy and Daddy have bad dreams as well just like you." Teresa explains, turning on her side to look at Maggie, caressing her hair softly.

"You do?" The girl opens her eyes widely, a surprised look on her face. Teresa chuckles softly at the sight.

"Yes, we do. But when we have them, we always think about good things once we wake up." Teresa continues, watching as Maggie holds onto every word her mother is saying.

"But they're scary." The little girl replies, her eyes watering a bit as Teresa assumes she remembers the dream.

"I know, sweetie. We get scared sometimes as well. But I want you to know that you can come to us whenever you want to."

Teresa understands way too well what her daughter is going through. It's the age of the nightmares and fears, and after so many danger and preoccupation in Teresa's life as well as Thomas', they just want their daughter to feel and be okay.

And even if they don't admit in front of their child, they love it when she climbs on their bed to spend the night with them.

"What about Daddy?" Teresa smiles as she sees a smirk starting to form on Maggie's face. The two always joke about Thomas not wanting Maggie to get used to sleep with them, but when they wake up, he's holding onto her for dear life.

Of course he loves when they sleep all together as the united family they are.

"I'm sure he won't mind." Teresa winks, causing her daughter to chuckle lightly, immediately bringing her hands to her mouth to stop the sound from escaping.

"Shh... we don't want to wake Daddy up." Teresa grins. "Let's surprise him in the morning."


Teresa's heart warms when she sees that Maggie has forgotten completely about the nightmare and is now smiling again.

"Now let's go to sleep, we need to rest."

The little girl's smile falls and her expressions turn into a frown, her face getting worried once again.

"What if they come again?"

Teresa pulls Maggie to her chest, caressing her hair in a soothing way.

"They won't. We're here with you so they can't get to you, okay?" Maggie nods, closing her eyes as they start getting heavier. "I promise."

"Sweet dreams, baby girl."

Soon, the two fall into unconsciousness, this time without any nightmares tormenting them.

The next morning, Teresa can't help but smile when she wakes up and sees Thomas, smiling softly as he sleeps, embracing their daughter in his arms, mumbling a confused "What are you doing here?" as soon as he wakes up.

This, of course, causes the two only girls of his life to laugh loudly and him to look at them with a funny look on his face.



Just wanted to write about Thomesa kids because we deserved their existence so 🤔🤷‍♀️

Also a fluffy one once again to repair your hearts so I can break them next time 😂

hehe jk I love you 😂❤

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