Memories From The Past

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Helloooo!! I know, I know it's been a good while since I updated and I'm utterly sorry for that.

It's just school and school and more school and my mind just shuts down when I finaly have time to write something 😅

However, I decided that I should really write a bit so here it is what I came up with! 😀

And thank you so, so much for the views and votes you've given me! I'm completely grateful for that! ❤

(P.s. Also if you have any request I'd really appreciate it bcs I'm kinda run out of ideas and I (unfortunately) don't have that much time to let my imagination free 😂)

Hope you enjoy it anyway!

(P.s.s gosh I'm sorry but I don't know what you guys like to call Thomesa's daughter/ son so I just call them Maggie/ Chuck, but if you have other you like tell me, kay now it's over I swear 😂)


"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" The girl's voice rises as she stands up from the couch they've been sitting on.

"Maggie, we tho-"

"I don't care what you think! You should've told us earlier! We've been living in a lie for all our lives and you don't even thought about us, did you?" Tears start forming in the girl that now looks way more broken than before, but who's still somehow showing her strong side.

"When were you going to tell us, huh? Never. You would just let it go and never talk about that, right? That's what you guys do."

And before her parents can object, the sixteen year old girl with dark hair and light brown eyes runs out of their sight, into her room upstairs, closing the door shut behind her with a loud thud.

It all started when Maggie and Chuck were home alone, the two occasionally bickering over something useless until the boy found some cardboard boxes inside a closet down in the basement.

Of course, being Thomas' children, curiosity kicked in, and the two teenagers decided to look inside those boxes, and what they found out left them looking at each other confusedly.

There were some piles of paper, each and every single one labeled with six words. WICKED.

"What the heck does that mean?" Chuck's confused voice was heard through the silence of the room, startling his sister who was heavily focused on the papers in hand.

In some of them were pictures from people they didn't know, but what totaly got their attention was their parents' pictures on the top left, with something written on the side:

Property of WICKED
Subject: A1 - The Betrayer
Name: Teresa Agnes
State: Immune
Strong candidate to find a Cure
Grown close to Subject A2

Property of WICKED
Subject: A2 - To Be Killed By Group B
Name: Thomas
State: Immune
Strong candidate to find a Cure
Grown close to Subjects A1, A5 and A7

They were even more confused after that. They decided to wait until their parents came home so they could ask them what in the world was that.

Thomas and Teresa have been delaying that conversation for years now. Of course they know they should have a talk with their kids about the real world someday, but they came to a term where they would tell them both at the same time, and not just Maggie since she is three years older than Chuck.

Once their parents came home, the whole situation started and after explaining everything, every reason why they didn't tell them sooner, the reasons why it all happened and how they were really able to find the Cure in the end, Maggie just couldn't believe that the two people she trusted the most in this entire world never told her this important story of her parents' lives.

They talked about the Trials, all of them. The betrayal and all that happened after, and sure Teresa talked about the past, since she was the only one with her memories. This was other thing that confused their children the most.

And that's them now.

"I'm going to talk to her." Thomas says, standing up and heading to his daughter's room, giving Teresa a reassuring smile, but he himself is unsure as well.

Chuck, on the other side, keeps quiet, slowly standing up and walking towards his mother, who's sitting on the other couch with her beautiful blue eyes glinting with tears.

The boy throws himself at his mother, the sight of her crying (even if she tried not to) instinctively causing him to comfort her in any way he possibly can.

"It's okay, Mom. I understand." A small smile forms in Teresa's lips as she closes her eyes while hugging her son back, the boy who has a heart as big as the sun; the boy named after one who was just as wonderful as him.

"Thank you, honey." She whispers, pulling away and planting a soft kiss on the boy's forehead, making him giggle softly.

He's always been more like her. The thoughtful, less impulsive one. Maggie, on the other hand, was so much like her father.

After several attempts of talking to his daughter, Thomas finally got to speak to her, and to his relief, she understood, even apologized, saying that she didn't think before talking and that she loved them unconditionally.

That was all they needed to be fixed again.

"We don't need to hide anything more from them, no more secrets." Teresa assures as she's a laying on their bed, her back pressed against Thomas' chest as he wraps one arm around her stomach and the other hand plays with the ends of her wavy dark hair.

"Yeah, and I think they'll be fine. They'll need time, and we'll give them all the time they need, but in the end they'll understand we only did this to protect them."

Teresa nods, playing mindlessly with her husbands' fingers.

"You know, I never thanked you." She states out of the blue, causing Thomas to furrow his eyebrows in confusion and stop his handy work with her beautiful hair for some moments.

"Thanked me for what?" His fingers start moving once again and Teresa sighs softly against him.

"For forgiving me."

Out of everything they needed to tell the kids, the betrayal was definitely the worst. Thomas had given Teresa's hand a little squeeze as she talked and he made sure he would never let it go until the end.

"I couldn't stay mad at you. You mean too much to me and you already did at that time." Thomas answers, planting a loving kiss on Teresa's head.

"Goodnight, Tom."

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

And after a long, full of memories day, the whole family was able to sleep in peace, the idea of the unknown no longer scary to Chuck and Maggie, and the weight of the world on Thomas and Teresa's shoulders being lifted completely.

Nothing or no one could separate them from each other, and that's what a family is supposed to be. Stay together even when all you want to do is the opposite.


I'm sorry for this chapter but I had this idea and I don't quite know if it's good or bad so tell me what you think!

Until next time and I love you so much!!! ❤

Thomesa ~ One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz