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As I said those words, I felt two cold arms wrap around me. "Eh? W-Who...is it?" I muttered trying not to scream, I turned around slowly as the person covered my mouth with their finger.

"Shh, If you scream they'll hear you." They said as I got a good look at them. It was a...robot? What?

"A R-robot, clearly this must be a dream." I shut my eyes and pinch myself, but when I opened them I was still in the forest.
"That's extremely Robo-phobic Thot, but anyways you clearly have no idea what's going on, and to be fair I don't either, but Shookichi makes me play Minecraft with him, Hewwomiko and Awami, so I know the basics." He rambles on while pulling me over to a cave that is lit up slightly. He pulls out a pickaxe and 🅱reaks the 🅱locks to form a makeshift doorway, pushing me in and then Closing it up.

"M-Minecraft huh..." I said under my breath, "owouma was right I really am a 🅱aka uwu"

The Robot's eyes lit up. "You've seen Shookichi? Where is he? All of us seem to have been separated from each other, Hopefully one of us is still at the base." Suddenly I feel a wave of jealousy come over me, he knows Shookichi and seems dead set of finding him, when I'm extremely attracted to owouma-kun due to the plot.

"W-well h-he ran off somewhere, I don't know where he is," I say trying to keep my cool "A-Anyways, where are we exactly? "

"This is the Ultimate Academy for gifted... 'Furries' as Shookichi calls it, but it's really juveniles, Minecraft server," He explained while making the small room slightly bigger for both of us "You get the IP when you enter the academy, but right now only really a few of us play."

"I-I see," I said trying to keep the conversation alive "D-Demo, I'm Afraid I don't go there..."

"Well you must since that's the only way to get the IP to join the server, and if they found out that you didn't go there you'd be banned" he said not really paying much attention to me. 

"🅱-🅱anned?!" I yelled before covering my mouth in shock.  

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