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"Mhm, 🅱anned that's what I said." He said putting away his pickaxe and sitting down next to me. "I never got your name did I? I'm K1-🅱0, but please call me Kiibowo." He smiled at me, He seems like a nice... Robot, but I can't shake the feeling of Jealousy I have from his relationship with owouma-kun.

"Y-Y/N, I'm worried about owouma-kun M-maybe I-I should go..." I said trying to get away from him. I stood up but Kiibowo quickly grabbed my hand "E-Eh?"

"That's not a good idea. You'd be killed in an instant if you went during the night with minimal to no knowledge about the game!" He stated, attempting to get me to sit back down. Just as I was about to reply to Kiibowo, the blocks that were broken and replaced started to break again. "Huh? That has to be a player since no monsters can do that.." He said. Just after he finished his sentence the first block broke and allowed us to see who was there it was... Shookichi owouma in the minecraft skin.

"Nishishishi, having a party in here are we?" He said as the stepped into the room, and launching himself at Kiibowo, much to his dismay.

"Shookichi! Stop that this instant!" Kiibowo yelled at him.

"Aw, But I love you Kiiboy, to the point where it's Icky Sticky!" owouma-kun said jokingly, but that made the jealousy that I had stronger. I knew he was joking by the tone of his voice, but I couldn't help it. "And you found the 🅱aka huh? Good job! How'd you know I was looking for her?"

"I-I don't think he was looking for me, H-he just was making sure I didn't die." I said not giving Kiibowo enough time to respond. "I-I'm surprised you found u-us, how'd you do it."

"Man, You really are a 🅱aka huh? I saw the cobblestone that was left there and knew someone was here, but Little did I know it was Kiiboy, The love of my life! Oh and I guess you too." He said still hugging Kiibowo.

"Stop it! We aren't In a relationship Shookichi!" Kiibowo said trying to get owouma off of him. Owouma-kun let go of Kiibowo and sat next to him. "Anyways Have you've seen the others Shookichi? Like Hewwomiko, Awami, Heck even 🅱aihara or Angiewe?" Kiibowo said to owouma ignoring me.

"Nope! Though It's strange we all were in the base last time, and now we all were spread across the server." Owouma replied

"M-Maybe it's daytime? I mean, H-Hopefully." I said trying to get outta this cave, so me and Shookichi can have some time alone. Kiibowo dug around in his inventory before pulling out his clock.

"Hmm, Just about, it's to the point where we can make a plan for the day, and then leave." Kiibowo said before Shookichi started to whine

"Aw! I missed the whole party trying to find you and the 🅱aka!" He faked cried into Kiibowo's arm, "Anyways plans are for losers if you remember the coordinates for the base in your Robot brain of yours then we can start heading over there." He said wiping away his fake tears.

"That's robo-phobic! B-But, yes that is something that I can do," Kiibowo said "An Important question is what are we going to do about Y/N?"

"E-eh when did I become relevant even though I-I'm the main character," I stuttered out "W-What do you mean?"

"Ah, True where are we gonna put the 🅱aka, when we go back," Owouma said "We could build another room, Demo I doubt anyone wants to go back to the nether."

"...T-True." Kiibowo said looking at me, "I'm sorry, but we might have to leave you behind, unless we can find a solution."

"What if you room with me, and then the 🅱aka can get your room?"

"B-But is K-Kiibowo okay with that?" I said trying to stop them from sharing a room, who knows what would happen if they did that! Maybe they'd really date eachother and 🅱eat in the 🅱iddle and get all Icky sticky!

"A-Are you saying that because I'm a Robot perhaps?" Kiibowo said on edge.

"Maybe, who knows I'm a liar after all." Owouma replied before laughing.

"T-That's robo-phobic again! How about you and Y/N share a room shookichi? That wa-"

"I'M FINE WITH THAT." I cut Kiibowo off, if it happens that way it works out in my favor. "I-I mean, it couldn't h-hurt right, owouma-kun?"

"Damn, Someone's eager." Owouma said crossing his arms. "Fine, I'll share a room with the 🅱aka."

"I-I'm glad we all are in agreement! T-Then let's go when ever we get the coordinates!" Hopefully this way I can get closer with owouma-kun without Kiibowo getting in my way.

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