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Even though I saw Oliver looking at us, I accepted Edward's offer to take a small walk with him, after all I needed some air to fight the toxic air stuck in me. I'm currently walking down the trial made between two sunflower fields, next to Edward. "I'm sorry", Edward spoke out of the blue. I looked up to him and I saw him giving me a pitiful smile. "Why are you apologizing?" I questioned. "Because of what happened, because of Oliver", he said, words that slipped out of him were unsure and hesitant as if the ocean forgot to send waves towards the land and the sand is dry as a dessert. I smiled softly and looked down, then raised my head up straight as I spoke "it's alright, don't be sorry. Bad situations do occur, for that we forgive. Don't we?". I looked at my side to see him looking down at me smiling brightly.

We kept silent as we strolled through the path where peaceful creatures lived. "If you don't want to agree on the day of marriage, don't" Edward said as he played with the tiny sunflower he took a while ago. I nodded yet so slowly, "I know..". I know what I just said but I don't want him to know that I'm forced to do this for my family. Not now at least. "Well then Elizabeth, I should probably drop you back ", Edward spoke with a voice soft as a fluffed pillow. I nodded, "you should probably do so Edward", I chuckled as the music of his laugh joins in, harmonizing with mines.

We made our way back towards the palace and as he was about to leave from the gate he turned around to me and said, "it was my pleasure to have some of my time taken by you", he smiled slightly as he moved towards me and handed me the sunflower he had earlier. I felt shivers flow in me, blushes raised up to my cheeks to show themselves to the rest of the world and I simply replied as I tug on my dress and bend down slightly, "oh why thank you". And there he chuckled and left.

I walked down the halls slowly heading to my room, I realized it was silent and I was left alone with my thoughts. 'If you don't want to agree on the day of marriage, don't', Edward's words kept running in my head and I cant seem to choose, either my heart or brain. I was fighting a war I've already lost. "listen". I immediately looked up from the sunflower I've been playing with to see, "Oliver..". There, this is the man who is making everything hard on me, whom I am going to marry for the sake of my family, whom I have to endure to keep that promise I made Lucas, whom is never going to change. "Ye-yes Oliver?", I asked, as the stutters makes themselves visible to him.

"Mother isn't here and since you were gone, she told me she went with father to pick out your dress for the wedding.", he said as he keeps shifting his eyes from one place to the other, from my eyes to the ceiling and back to me. "For the wedding? Why? When is it?", I asked as I feel the air flowing in me starting to fade away slowly. He looked at me, eyes full of anger and frustration and I just can't seem to do anything about it. I saw him bite his lower lip as he spoke through greeted teeth, "well maybe instead of disappearing out of the house, you should do your duties and answer all your pitiful questions by yourself". "Well maybe if you were a bit more respectful towards me, I would do so." I say as I make my way through the empty halls, leaving him no chance to speak back to me,

no chance for him to hurt me.

Oliver Quill's pov

I see her as she makes way for herself, leaving me dumbfounded with the courage she's trying to play on me. "Absolute codswallop", I whisper under my breathe as I put my hands in my pockets to hide those hard fists begging for a strong force to collide with them. I walk away to the other side of the stairs as I head towards my room. "Oh sir!..What would you like for din-", the maid spoke behind me before I shut the door in front of her face, hearing no knocks or words coming after me as I pleased it to be. I get out of my clothes and put on my sleepwear, laying down as I begin to think. After tomorrow, that's the day I'll get married, to no other than the poor girl Elizabeth. Why her? I cover my face as i whisper to myself "this is torture". I rub my face multiple times as I feel the weight of the world lay itself on me.

What am I expected to do?...I can't break the heart of who cares for me, mother's.

Elizabeth's pov

I held the pillow close to my lap as I run my thumb over it. I didn't plan ahead to my future and I don't think I ever can after this forced marriage. "Elizabeth", I heard the faint voice next to the door ahead of me. "Princess Caroline..", I said as I saw her move slowly towards me carrying a bag in her hands. She smiled ever so lovely as the tune of her voice rings itself in this huge bedroom,"Quill and I went to get you your wedding dress. I know I should've told you to come but then when I came over to check on you I couldn't find you and Oliver said he didn't see you". He lied? "Oh. I was just taking a stroll. I'm sorry, but I do have a question?", I asked as she moved her cold hands and held my hand in hers and replied with "go on".

"When is the wedding?", I tilt my head a little bit. "Oh! Oliver didn't tell you? Well Elizabeth! The wedding is after tomorrow", she spoke as my lips take a break and part themselves a bit, having no words to provide in such time. "Oh.." I barely manage to say as I see Caroline noticing the tension around myself and she swiftly got up from the bed and said. "Well then darling, I'll leave you to have some rest, alright?". I woke up from my thoughts as I look up to her and nod slowly, forcing a smile.

I hear the door close itself, leaving the tension no way to escape, no way to leave me catch the last breathe I beg to have.

After tomorrow..I thought I had a chance to plan my life, but I think I've just got that taken away from me.

Forcibly married to the person whom rejected meNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ