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"What do you mean the necklace isn't there? I'm quite sure I placed it here before I left for dinner" I say as I swiftly move out of bed in a hurry. I feel as my bones and organs tense up, the feeling of goosebumps fills me. I start opening the drawers, trying to look for the missing necklace. And for some reason I could feel the tension in Oliver too. Yet it feared me to allow the sounds we await to hear, the words, the poison.

And I can't say it. I can't admit. I don't know what to do.

I sit down on the floor, looking up at a pacing Oliver. He walked from a place to another and I just sat there, desperate. "How could you?" He yells at me. Let it sink in. "How could you lose something so precious?". Allow it. "You couldn't even take care of it for a whole two days!". Ignore it. "And here I was thinking you were actually capable of preservation. Here I was thinking you could be queen" he yelled to my face, so close, so close my heart could feel the holes the pins have left.

I let it sink in, I allowed it, i ignored it and now I'm left with nothing but tears streaming down my face.

I take a glance at those eyes and fire could be perceived, could be touched by those weary hands. "Why do you care so much.." I whisper looking at him as he backs off astonished from the question. He scoffs and pulls his hair back in a rage of anger. "I care. I care because-" and before he continues I cut him off, "it's Gwendolyn's". I shift my jaded sight to him and there it was, the look of coldness, of fire in a war with water. It was neutrally dangerous and I couldn't help but feel the explicit feeling I once felt when my letter was rejected by him. And it all came back to me. It all flashed back to me. The pain, the coldness, the misunderstandings, the one sided love.

It never was a two sided love Elizabeth..

"How do you know that?" Is what finally ravaged the train of thoughts rolling around in continues circles in my mind. "I knew it because I heard it was passed on ever lasting love. Seems it took the wrong turn" I say, voice breaking down with complete misery. Heart and mind fighting for dominance.

Show your pain.

Show your strength.

I wipe away my tears as I grab some air to breathe. Some toxic oxygen to survive on what's left. I look up at him and I never left his gaze. His glaring look filled with hot bullets ready to fly through me. He was cold, he was brutal and mercy showed no signs of appearance. "I know I wasn't born a rich person or even born with good looks, but at least I was born with a strong heart to handle you and your heartless actions" I say as I get up, seizing the power over confidence and dominating it for a while. My cheeks lost their guests; tears, and were now dried up with the roughness it leaves.

His glare doesn't leave mine and I move closer to him with each word I say, "you're good. You're good Oliver, you fooled people, you fooled me. And just when I thought that you were changing to the better, I felt happy, I held it in and kept the gift you gave. Despite the fact that I well know it wasn't supposed to be mine." I say, voice clear enough for him to hear. "Ever lasting love? Whom was I kidding? You and I? You said it yourself, I am no queen. What I am, is a human." I scoff.

"I feel and I respect. I break down and I get up. Nothing from what you have done to me, will take the only chance to allow my family to live happily. You think I don't miss my mother? My brother, Lucas? I miss them ever second in my life. I miss having them around, listening to Lucas telling me how he maned up and how he will take care of us when he grows old. I feel guilty enough I won't be around to see him grow and yet I know he will take care of me, even if he doesn't know me. Tell me Oliver, even with a promise in your vow, you failed. Why?" I let it all out at him.

He stares deeply into my eyes and says, "if you think any of that mattered to me, you're wrong. Find the necklace and give it back. You don't deserve it". I raise my eyebrows in astonishment, "no. You're right, I don't deserve love that's passed on. I deserve someone who will love me with everything they have. I deserve anyone but you" I say, as I feel confidence slipping away from my grips and I hear tears knocking on the doors of my cheeks, hoping to come in and feel comfortable. I grab the notebook beside my bed and head out of the castle. Running, running with my child to my only safe place.

To my home. To my family.

Oliver Quill's pov:

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth where are you going in the middle of the night?" I yell as I see her dash out of the room to nowhere.

Run after her.

Stay where you are.

I didn't know which to follow, my heart or my mind. 'What if she gets lost? What if she gets harmed? This is all my fault' I speak to my mind. 'You had to do what's right. If something happens in that war, she needs to live on without you.' my mind spoke back. I pull my hair back and sit down on the edge of the bed. "I'm so sorry Elizabeth.." I whisper as I slowly pull the necklace out of my pocket.

"I'm sorry...it's for the greater good"

Forcibly married to the person whom rejected meWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt