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And as the flowers on the field flew by the wind, the other day passed with it.

13/1/1893, the day I'll be walking down the hall, towards Oliver. I made my choice, and so will I follow it with hope that my heart shall not interrupt. I stand now as I stare at the person in the mirror, looking all pretty and lost, wearing the beautiful alluring dress which whom I shouldn't be wearing now, or ever if my heart doesn't except. "Oh darling, you look astonishingly beautiful", I felt the soft palms of princess Caroline lay themselves on my right shoulder as we both smile slightly and look back at the mirror. "Thank you princess Caroline..I-", I stopped as I take a glance on the dress and turn around facing her, "I- I just don't think I'm worthy of all of this".

I could see princess's eyes wide a bit in worrisome as she takes me in her embrace, immediately comforting me with her sugar plated voice, "don't say that darling, you're worth so much. I've come across this conclusion in these past days that you have a strong and kind heart that no special human would have, no other Elizabeth would have". I pull out of the embrace slowly as I look up at Caroline, "oh I'm sorry Elizabeth. I just really feel like you're my daughter. I know we should have boundaries, I'm sorry I felt like I got caught up in this daughter thing" , Caroline spoke as I see her play with her palms in shame.

I smile softly at her as I say, "it's alright princess, I don't mind at all", I rub her shoulders as I get a beautiful smile in return, "I'm pretty sure you would have been a wonderful mother to your daughter". "Oh Elizabeth! Oh Darling", I heard the very familiar voice speak as I turn to the side to find my mother running towards me with Lucas in her arms. "Oh god! Mother!", I say in utter shock as I tug on my dress and run towards both of them. She wrapped me in her embrace as I could've sworn, I could hear the loving sound of a mother's love. "Oh darling, my Elizabeth", we both pulled away as I see the warm tears roll down from their homes. I can't help but have a smile place itself on my face as I wipe off her tears, "don't cry mother, you'll ruin your makeup", we both giggle as I make my way down to Lucas.

I laced my arms around his petite figure as he immediately complimented me, "you look really pretty sister and I missed you". "Oh you little angel, i missed you too", I ruffled his hair as I pull myself up between mom and princess Caroline whom already greeted each other. "Hey young man, are you excited for your sister's wedding?", princess Caroline asked Lucas, kneeling down to him. Lucas nodded eagerly, as we all grinned at his answer, "well then we should get going, get ready Elizabeth alright?" Caroline said as I nod in return for all of them to be excused.

"Madam Elizabeth, would you please take a seat?", the makeup lady spoke behind me as I gladly obey.

Oliver Quill's pov

"Wilson? Wilson will you please come and help me with my bow tie. Wilson?", I turn away from the mirror I was just looking at, trying to put the bow on, to scan the place for Wilson. "He isn't here, cousin", I saw Edward as he smirks moving towards me, "come here, let me help you with the tie". I turn back facing the mirror as he comes in front of me helping me do the tie, "where's Wilson anyways?" I asked as I kept my usual straight face no chance to fade away. "How would I know? I'm not Wilson", Edward looked up at me for a second and back down as he laugh at his own joke, "there!", he said as he dusted off the nothingness off my shoulders strongly. "Thanks", I inaudibly whisper. "Your welcome" he replied as he grabs my attention on the fact he heard it.

We both look at the mirror as Edwards starts to speak, "you know you don't have to marry her right?". I look fiercely at Edward through the mirror as I question him, "and which side are you on?", I turn around to face him, "let me guess mhmm hers? Aren't I just right about that". I move around to pick the jacket up, not expecting an answer back. "I'm not taking sides Oliver. What I'm trying to say is don't marry her if you were just to torture her. I'm pretty sure you know how much it means to her family to have a person who cherishes their daughter.", Edward spoke, voice as clear as the thunder. I look at him frustrated, "listen well Edward, I think you do know who you're talking to. I will not take orders for you or anyone else. Do you understand? And no I pretty much don't know how much this means to her family, do you know why? let me tell you why, that's because I never had a proper family who actually cares for me and you would give a great example!".

"You know what Oliver, I've had enough of this conversation. I tried to help but you're not cooperating, I'm sorry.", Edward replied as we both got interrupted by the men telling us it's time for me to leave. I took a last look at Edward before I bolt my way out in front of the thousands of people waiting for both Elizabeth and I.

Elizabeth's pov

Breathe. Take a step. Breathe. Take another step. Don't turn around. A step forward. I inhale all the oxygen I could possibly get as I feel nervous from all the eyes on me walking down the hall, to Oliver. Every step I take I forget to inhale, every step I take my legs threaten me to trip over, every step I take I get closer to him, to Oliver. I can't believe this, I can't believe I'm marrying him, the love whom rejected me. I can't do this, you have to, I can't, you can, oh dear god. Down the hall I take my steps on the red carpet as the music of the song "praise my soul, the king of heaven" is heard clearly by everyone except I. I get lost as I could hear my heartbeat loud and clear like a lightning strikes it's victim over and over again.

I can't do this..

Forcibly married to the person whom rejected meWhere stories live. Discover now