Chapter 15- "Nice underwear"

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Lost in Japan- Shawn Mendes

"Awe look how cute they are!" a faint feminine voice says.

A faintly hear clicks go off and see small white flashes go by while my eyes are closed.

"Maria stop taking pictures it's creepy!" I hear a manly voice whisper shout.

"Oh calm down Rob! They won't know." the feminine voice appears again.

I start to wake up for but keep my eyes closed. It's very warm and I'm extremely comfortable. I snuggle more into my blanket and pillow.

Wow my blanket doesn't feel like a blanket and my pillow doesn't feel like a pillow. I move around a bit to try and get a feeling of where I am.

"Mom, Dad! What are you doing in Emilio's room?" I hear a voice say but it's further away.


Now I know where I am. Silly me. But why am I snuggled up to Emilio. I thought I slept on the complete opposite side of the bed.

I then hear a groan from above me. Underneath of me I can feel Emilio trying to move but he can't. Well it's obvious i'm here so that why he can't move.

"What are you all doing in my room?" I hear Emilio ask.

Oh crap he's awake. Should I wake up too? Nah I wanna hear how this plays out.

"Uhh we just came to wake you up because we have breakfast ready downstairs." I hear who I am assuming Emilio's mom says.

"Alright i'll be down soon. So can you get out please!" Emilio says back.

"Yes sweetie we will get out but before we go." she pauses. "Who is that?" she continues

"This is Dallas. She's a friend of mine." Emilio answers.

"Just a friend? Look like more than a friend to me." I hear a masculine voice say. Probably his dad

"Yes just a friend. She got lost last night so I brought her hear and she said I didn't have to sleep on the floor so I slept here." Emilio responds.

"Well with a girl cuddled up to you like that doesn't mean she sees you as a friend." His mom says.



I might just throw up.

"Get out!" I hear Emilio yell but not too loudly. Probably not trying to wake me up.

"Alright alright! we're leaving!" her mom rushes.

I hear footsteps walk away from me and then I hear a door close. Once the door closes I feel a hand on my head. The hand start messing with my hair slowly.

What is he doing?

I guess I should wake up now. I groan and little bit and start moving around. I open my eyes and lift my head up. When I open my eyes i'm met with Emilio's face who's is extremely close to mine.

Out of shock I immediately pull back and almost fall off the bed.

"Hey." I hear Emilio say

"Hi." I reply back

"Breakfast is ready downstairs if you're ready to go down." He says

"Alright." I say

I start to stretch really big and yawn while making a loud noise. Oh c'mon. You can't tell me you don't do that either.

I Punched Emilio MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now