Chapter 25- Fence Hopping

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Do You Remember- Jay Sean

After about 30 minutes we finally arrived at the West Ring. I put my mask back on and unbuckled my seat belt. I sighed and grabbed the door handle

"Thank you for everything." I say smiling at her.

"It's no problem. It's my job to save lives." she smiles back at me.

I smile back at her and start to open the door wider for my to walk out. I step my foot out onto the road and begin to stand up.

I wince in pain and almost fall back down but a pair of arms catch me. I look up and see Maria looking down at me.

"It's okay sweetie I got you." She tells me and starts to help me to my bike.

After a few long minutes we finally reach to my bike. I look at my bike to make sure no one did anything to it. I smirk a little knowing there was no damage.

"Thank you Maria." I hugged her.

"You're welcome Lexi." She hugs back.

After a few moments we let go of the hug. I turn towards my bike and lift my leg over the seat. I wince due to the pain and take a moment to breathe.

"Are you sure you will be able to ride home?" Maria asked me.

I nodded my head and she smiled back. We said our goodbyes and she headed back to her car. I grab my helmet and starting putting it over top of my head.

As I lifted it up I noticed a small blue paper fall out of it. I lean over and pick up the paper. I instantly put it in my pocket so I will open it when I get home. I strap my helmet on, start up my bike, then I headed home

After about 15 minutes I finally arrived home. I was about to pull into my drive way until I noticed that there was another car in the drive war.

I come to a stop and see someone walking up to my door steps. I look at the car once again and realization hits me.

That's Emilio's car in the driveway.

Oh my god.

What am I going to do?

Panic rises in my and I rush to figure out what to do. I hop off my bike quickly and take off my mask. Once I am off my bike pain rises through my body due to my hip.

Wow those pain killers did nothing.

I limped over to the bushes in front of the fence of my house. I watched as Emilio knocked on the door and patiently waited. Crap.

My eyes widen and I look around. I then notice my neighbors fence it open. An idea pops in my head as I make my way over towards the fence. I walk through and quietly walk into the backyard.

There is a fence that breaks off both of our yards. It's a tall fence and I wouldn't be able to jump over it so easily.

I spot a chair near by and rush over to grab it. The pain in my hip wasn't helping at all in this situation. I sucked it up and continued my plan.

I put the chair up against the fence and climbed on top of it. I put my hands on the fence and lifted myself up higher balancing on my hands.

I kicked my left foot over carefully then once comfortable kicked my other foot over. As my other foot swung over it got caught onto the fence.

I tumbled down the fence and let out a yelp once I hit the ground. My hip and my body were hurting which wasn't good at all.

Ignoring the pain I quickly walk in through the backdoor of my house. I practically run up the steps going into my room.

I Punched Emilio MartinezWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt