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"And there will be someone that comes along one day and offers you an entire galaxy when you only expected a single planet."


I T  W A S  worse. Definitely worse.

Her drawing from last night was nothing compared to the real thing.

Upon her arrival in the school carpark, Falcon had appeared in front of her, as if he had been waiting, and bid her a soft good morning that had her nerves going haywire. She had taken one look at his captivating eyes and her insides turned to mush.

She didn't think any drawing could do them justice.

Freya fidgeted under his gaze and his lips tipped up at the corners before pressing a hand against her back, leading her inside the building. As they walked, she pulled the sleeves of her light grey sweater over her fingers as she usually did when she was feeling especially shy or small; something that seemed to happen whenever she was around Falcon.

It wasn't particularly hard; he was quite literally twice her size and held himself with a dominating aura that could intimidate anyone. She felt absolutely tiny next to him.

They finally reached her locker and Falcon leaned himself casually against the wall next to it, staring down at her unabashedly. She quickly got her things together, self-consciously touching the bow shaped bun at the back of her head that Kendra had insisted on doing this morning. 

Hugging her books to her chest, she shuffled her feet awkwardly, a blush rising to her face as he continued to watch her. She shyly ducked her head down, watching the diamantes on her pink trainers glint in the light. 

"What?" she asked after a few moments. She risked a glance up at him only to find herself unable to look away. He smirked slightly before straightening up from his position.

"Ready to go?" He questioned. 

Freya nodded and he gently placed a hand on her lower back, leading her to her first class. After a few steps, Falcon leaned down to her ear, his hand curling around her waist. "You look beautiful, by the way," he said.

Freya's face heated more than she thought possible and she hid her smile behind her books as they continued to walk. They soon reached the door to her classroom and Falcon turned to her with a smirk. "I'll see you later, okay?" he asked, though it wasn't really a question. 

Freya nodded quickly, biting her lip out of habit as she stared up at him. His eyes flickered down her face for a moment, his jaw clenching as he swallowed harshly. He took in a breath, dragging his eyes back up to meet hers. After another quiet moment Falcon nodded, almost to himself, and left without another word. Freya stood in her place for a few seconds before taking a deep breath herself and entering the crowded classroom. 

It wasn't unusual for people to stare at her, but for some reason today felt different. All eyes followed the small girl to her seat and as much as she tried to ignore the multitude of looks she was receiving she couldn't help but feel each and every one burning through her skin. She wasn't sure what the newfound interest they had in her was; she had been there for years, there was nothing new about her. Unless, of course, it was about Falcon.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when a lanky body sat itself down next to her. Penn. After yesterday's events, Freya didn't feel completely comfortable being so close to him so she tried to subtly shift in her seat to gain some distance. Her efforts were foiled when he leaned closer to her, his breath fanning across her face.

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