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"There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature."

~Jane Austen~


F A L C O N  F E L T  rage flooding through his body as Kace dragged him into a room full of strangers.

Once upon a time, he would have walked in here willingly. He wouldn't have seen a room full of strangers, but instead, a room full of friends. Full of family. He would have talked and joked with people he thought he could trust with his life.

But that was before. Now? Now he didn't even know who they were anymore.

Kace let go of his shirt unexpectedly, making Falcon stumble forward before regaining his balance as his brother went and joined the rest of the men who stared at him with mixed emotions. The room was silent for a long moment as Falcon steeled his face, crossing his arms over his chest as he took in the all too familiar faces.

It was only when a boy around his age moved forward, catching Falcon's eye, that he felt a physical crack in his emotionless facade. The boy moved out of the crowd, his brow creased in concern and confusion.
"Falcon?" It was a useless question. Both Falcon and the boy knew that it was indeed him.

Falcon clenched his jaw, desperately reminding himself that he had been a part of it. He had betrayed him in the worst way possible along with the rest of them. He couldn't let him get to him.

After the boy spoke, the room slowly began humming to life again. Falcon watched from the corner of his eye as Kace settled against the far wall, watching Falcon as people moved around him.

It was as if people didn't know how to act around Falcon. Some tried to approach, but when he pinned them with his eyes, they quickly drew back. They had too much respect and fear for the leader's younger brother. Others avoided him completely; they kept their eyes down, some leaving the room while others occupied themselves by speaking to others.

The only one that didn't shrink away from Falcon's gaze was that boy. The one Falcon prayed didn't dare come any closer, but of course, when had any of his prayers ever been answered.

The boy took quick, successive steps forward until he was an arm's length away from Falcon. He seemed lost for words as they stared at each other, the boy's mouth opening and closing a few times.

"You've grown," Was the only thing he could come up with.

Falcon raised a sarcastic eyebrow, his mouth curling down in discomfort.
"No shit," His voice was deep and gravelly, barely audible over the chatter in the room.

Movement near the wall caught Falcon's attention and he turned his head slightly, watching as Kace said something to who Falcon knew was one of his tech guys. His eyes narrowed into slits as they nodded to each other, the tech guy taking out his phone before walking out of the room.

Kace never bothered speaking to people like that unless he wanted to find out something and the fact that he knew that Freya existed - though he didn't know her name - still weighed heavily on his chest. The interaction left a bitter taste in his mouth as he turned back to who used to be his best friend.

The boy's mouth was turned down in a frown as he caught sight of Falcon's unguarded expression before it disappeared.
"What's wrong?" The boy asked.

Falcon's jaw clenched. He could come up with a whole, damn list of things that were currently 'wrong.' One of them included the boy in front of him.
"You don't get to care, Ryder," Falcon gritted.

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