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I've been told that people will think I'm crazy because I talk to myself. I find myself having conversations with nothing, and being pretty public about it, until someone asks either who I'm talking to, or what I'm doing. I don't find it strange or abnormal that I do this, but I do think it could be because I'm the youngest out of three, and both my siblings are in college. There's really no one to talk to when your parents are engrossed in something on TV or Facebook, and when your brother and sister pretty much ignore you, unless they're completely out of things to do.

But whoever or whatever I talk to makes me feel like there's actually something I'm talking to, and that it's listening to me. I can talk about anything into the open when I'm alone, and I won't be judged by this thing, because it's just there to listen and it's there for me.

My mom tells me if people see me doing this, I'll end up in a mental hospital because it's not normal, and people will think I have voices  in my head that I talk to, which I don't. But why is everyone so afraid of what isn't normal? It's not like I'm mentally deranged, I just have no one to talk to, so I've found something I can talk to. Some people would say that I have an imaginary friend but that's not it. I don't see a person when I talk, and it certainly doesn't say anything back to me, like most imaginary friends do (I work with little kids a lot and most of them have an imaginary friend that talks to them, that's how I know). I just feel like there's a thing near me when I talk in the open, not necessarily a person or something, just a presence, I guess.

paper and pensOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora