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My thoughts swirl in my head as I think of what I had
A home.

Where did it go?
Since when has a new location made me feel so alone and empty?

I think back to before and I see endless happiness in myself
Was it because I was young and naive or because I felt like I belonged there?

Either way, I miss you and I want to go back
Go back and leave everything behind
Forget what happened here and love life like I used to

Go back to making s'mores over the stove, because of smoke pollution
Go back to scavenger hunts and homemade lemonade

Back to sleepovers in a tent, but still in your backyard, giggling under the stars
Back to the inflatable pool where we laughed and splashed and made jokes that were just for us

Back to playgrounds and music that when we listened to alone, it made us think of each other
Back to crafts that looked like a kindergartner made it but we laughed through it because we enjoyed the moment

Back to the Target on the corner where we ran through the isles slipping and sliding
Back to road trips with unimportant destinations, not caring because we got to sit together

Back to card games on the floor while the sun beats down outside
Back to bike rides with B.B. gun bullets and cigarette butts littering the streets

Back to snow cone machines and the summer soccer team
Back to thinking we would be best friends forever

Why did we ever leave?

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