IX: Matters At Hand

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*Adelaide's POV*

"Remember when I said I wanted to see the outside world from someplace other than my balcony?" I asked, staring at the rolling hills, barren fields, and the ruby sky through the small carriage window.

"I believe I recall you mentioning that once or twice--or a couple hundred times--in the past ten years," Dark replied. He was sitting across from me, watching me watch the world outside.

I took a quick steely-eyed glance at him before returning my gaze outside the window. "When I said that, I didn't mean from inside of a carriage for three damn days."

Dark chuckled. "That was certainly passive aggressive. Relax, Queen of sarcasm--" I shot him another glare; he gestured out the window. "Look."

I returned my attention back to the window. The sky was blending from scarlet red to a dark emerald green, and the previously lush fields were now black and wilted; we were in Leca.

I leaned father out to see ahead. The village was in shambles; its houses and buildings were practically shacks, their paint peeling and roofs caving in. The humans were dressed oddly--the men wearing ripped shiny black pants and coats over bright shirts, and the women attired in black and grey clothes did not stand out as much as the men. Their facial expressions were not inviting nor were they friendly, and they even hardened as we drove past.

I was about to say something when Dark--reading my thoughts no doubt--spoke for me.

"If you are wondering why they're staring like that, it might have to do with the fact that you're flaunting your crown around." I sat back down in the plush carriage seat. "My cro--" I cut myself off when I reached up and felt the dull points of my crown resting on my head. "Oh." I forgot I was wearing it.

Dark leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Love, they don't like royals."

I leaned in too. "Enlighten me."

"I'm sure you haven't learned much on the Leca Rebellion?" He asked.

I thought for a second."I know. . . I know the Leca Rebellion led into The Fall of Three Kingdoms--even though Leca is not a kingdom-- and. . . Well, that's about everything. But, why should I? Leca is not under my control, It's under Anti's. And clearly--" I gesture out the window "--he isn't doing a good job." I sighed and looked away. "I apologize. You were saying?"

Dark smirked. "Yes, as I was saying, the Leca Rebellion was caused by a human killing a demon. Do you know why?"

"Well, if I would've known I was going to be taught the history of a town that isn't my own, I would've stayed in the castle and not avoid my studies." I looked back at Dark and raised an eyebrow.

He smiled. "Point taken. The point is: humans detest demons. Especially the Lecish humans."

There was a faint "whoa" that came from the driver and the carriage slowed to a stop; the carriage door opened and Dark got out first. He held out his hand for me to take--which I did subconsciously because I was too busy marveling at the structure in front of me.

 He held out his hand for me to take--which I did subconsciously because I was too busy marveling at the structure in front of me

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