XVII: The Eyes Are The Windows To The...Future

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"Ah, please, come in. What's that? You wish to see your fate? Well, there is a price."

"I'm sure you now price isn't an obstacle."

"Yes, I am aware. . ."

"They are getting closer. They may not know it yet, but they are."

'Yes. Did they discover anything of importance?"

"Not yet."

"Not yet." She repeats as she raises her hands, the dark brown eye in each palm twinkles then goes completely black. Her voice turns Ominous and wavers as she speaks. "The children will be your demise. Eight of them. Yes, a demon of sickness and a demon of wrath. A man who will soon be anything but. A girl with a secret and a girl who is not what she appears. A man with magical properties and a. . . A hybrid. The first in a millennia."

"What else?" Demands he.

She gasps. "I cannot see any more. I can, however, see your end. But there may be hope for you, yet." She sweeps her hands to the left. "You must kill the demon of wrath, for he will be your undoing. And anyone else who might block your way. Should you prevail, your plan will be set in stone, undone by none. Alas, should you fail, the kingdom will fall into ruin, and another will take your place on the council." She stops, suddenly breathless, and the eyes turn back to their normal brown.

"What else?" He demands again, growing restless. "Tell me."

"Forgive me. Even my powers have limits. Allow me time to heal and come back-" her hands sweeped to the right. "-When the snow begins to fall. More answers I shall have."

He turns around and begins to leave.

She cocks her head to the side. "Your plan is dangerous. Eight sacrifices. Of course, five of the eight don't matter, but the other three. . . How do you plan on explaining their. . . Untimely demises?"

"That's none of your concern, witch. When the snow falls I will return." When He was gone She started muttering to herself.

"Crooked rulers never prevail. I thought he learned his lesson the last time. And you, Letha?" She turns her head to the hawk resting on her shoulder. "Didn't you think he learned his lesson from last time?" Letha shrilled agreeingly. "Well, whatever comes to pass, he certainly won't like it."

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