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L.A. Parties

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Thea picked up an envelope.

Her name was written in cursive on the front in gold, while a Disney Concert Hall logo was stamped on the bottom corner. She didn't have to open it to know what it said. It was an invite for the Third Annual Firefighter's Family Fund, a charity Stark Industries exclusively donated to and an excuse for them to throw a ball for all the elite Californians every year. Thea had gone to a few when she felt up for it, although, most of those times were due to Lara's constant pushing and empty threats. Her assistant adored attending parties where champagne was free and everyone left with goodie bags. Luck on the other hand always happened to have an excuse to avoid putting on a tux and a fake smile. He would rather sit in his living room and watch reruns of the A-Team.

"I've got your dress ready for tonight, boss." Lara declared as she walked into Thea's office with a garment bag over her shoulder and a tote bag in one hand.

"Are you sure my schedule is free for today?" Thea asked, putting down the invitation to pick up a glass of whiskey. Before the rim of the cup could touch her lips, it was yanked out of her grip and replaced with a bottle of vitamin water. Thea glared at the beverage and threw Lara a scowl, but the assistant brushed it off. Lara set the dress enclosed in cotton on a coat hanger by the door and dumped the tote bag on the empty chair in front of Thea's desk.

Lara raised a perfectly shaped brow. "Yes. I made sure of it. We are going tonight. No ifs, ands or buts about it." She told Thea, sitting down on the armrest of the chair.

"Now I feel kinda glad that you're leaving me." Thea said, "My next assistant better not be as persistent as you."

"Thea, you are a billionaire." Lara stated bluntly. "You have a company. You have a mansion. You need to keep up appearances otherwise you'll fade. I'm doing you a favour." She smiled, folding her hands in her lap.

"Do me another favour and let me drink." Thea raised the bottle of whiskey from her desk drawer. "I haven't had a taste in weeks."

Lara literally leaped into the air and snatched the alcohol from Thea's grasp. "No! You shouldn't be drinking this stuff anyway. I'm worried you'll lose yourself in it again."

"I can control it." Thea retorted. She tried to sound sure of herself. Confident that she could keep her word. But even she couldn't fake it.

"I'm sure you can. But you promised me one year of staying sober." Lara countered. "Thea, there are other ways to deal with hardship. Like talking about it." Her tone turned soft, and she placed a hand over Thea's, as a sign of compassion.

"There's nothing to talk about." Thea stressed.

"Are you sure? Because you know that I'm always here for you whenever you need me."

"I know." Thea smiled small.

"Good. Now, let's go. We've got to get you ready for the ball. Hopefully, this time you get to meet your prince. Or something close to it with good hair because you really need to get laid, boss."

Thea's mouth dropped open.



Lara watched as Thea walked the red carpet.

She knew her boss was uncomfortable in front of the many flashing lights and camera lens. Behind her toothy, white grin, Thea wished she was at home, working on her blueprints. Instead she was in a tight crimson gown with gold on her neck and wrists, posing for the photographers as they shouted for her to do a twirl for the cameras. Lara stood at the top of the stairs that led to the charity ball, adjusting her Bluetooth earpiece. She wore a simple, royal blue velvet slip dress that was a birthday present from Thea — one she brought in all the way from Dubai. Once her earpiece beeped from activation, she cleared her throat, and softly spoke.

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